EE in secret nest with 7 of HER eggs that weren't there yesterday??


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
central ohio
I discovered 1 of my 3 EE's (2 lay brown eggs) in a horse feed bin today that I check EVERYDAY for eggs and there were NONE in nest yesterday and 7 today.Normally would not think of this as odd but ALL of the eggs looked like hers(elongated,specked) with 3 of the eggs being VERY small. The rest of my non EE hens lay normal eggs with slight size variations and NONE of these eggs looked like their eggs. We thought maybe(joking) she had been stashing them elsewhere and decided to move them to THIS nest(How would she do that??? wing feathers?)(I THINK I am still joking) and all I can imagin is its a coincidence and my other girls helped lay these and I am crazy. The only other hen I have that I have noticed in this nest(last year) was my SF and she laid 1 egg everyday. Just odd if suddenly 7 of my girls decide to use this secret nest on same day. Love the chickens!!
I KNOW they can't move them(I am being silly-don't be offended!) Its just SUCH a mystery why 7 of my chix would do this there. I won't complain- just MYSTIFIED!
I have to disagree with the statement that they can't move eggs. I've seen a hen tuck an egg up in her wing and move it from one nest box to another. So that may be what has happened. Houdini Hen!!
Goodness! Really???? My son and I were just SO mystified becuz the eggs ALL LOOK LIKE HERS. Its a nest of hay and it WOULD be possible to HIDE them temporarily under hay but i am not sure of that behavior either. Anyhow the plan may be to put her in with the hens I want to breed(BA's) and see if she will go broody with their eggs and I will ,of course, just eat HER eggs. If any of her eggs manages to hatch(IF she goes broody) the chix are welcome(OF COURSE!) Just not that fond of EE's. (trust me-ALL of the chickens are well tended!EE or not!)
Yeah, sorry, but I think chickens are quite capable of moving eggs. I've never seen one do the wing holding thing, but they have a pretty good talent with rolling them around.

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