Egg 3 is dead..Graphic photos

Nicky Im so sorry your little one didnt make it.
What a gorgeous baby it would have been. It kind of looks like it was wrongly positioned to be able to hatch. I hope in the future you get some with the same colouring.
Looks like my 4 deformed babies that didn't make it, especially the bill. I'm not sure if it is the angle of the camera, but the bill looks crooked. SO sad, sure would have been a beautiful duck. I'm sorry for the loss but as you stated mother nature knows better then we do.
Bunnies..Yes the bill did look crooked and its face, but I didint know if it was like that because it died and had rigor so to speak or if it was indeed crooked. But Im glad I now know that William my white Magpie drake kicks out colour..whooda thunk it ah. I was sad it was dead but also excited to see colour...oh and the middle toe on each foot was black, it looked quite cute.
Ducky, I dont know if it was positioned right or not, once I chipped away some shell and saw it was dead, i sort of rolled it on the counter like a hard boiled egg to loosen the shell and then tried to straighten the body out to have a look....yeah I know
, but I just wanted to be nosy and have a good old look around and a poke and feel of its belly bit. Call me weird but its just interesting to see and know about these things work or happen. Im glad I did it tho.
That is exactly what I did with all 4 of mine. All 4 didn't have the yolk absorbed either. But as I said earlier in the post, if one doesn't make it what you did tonight by examining it and figuring it out and learning, it's death was not in vein because it served a purpose in it's death and that was to educate. I know my 4 taught me a lot, and they would have been gorgeous babies/ducks as well. But I know they didn't die in vein because they taught me about life and death and the anotomy of a duckling.
Its head looks the wrong way - it looks like the beak was facing down - I have just been comparing it to a photo I have from an egg I opened once. Poor baby- it looks so perfect in every other way.

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