Egg 3 is dead..Graphic photos

Hi Nicky! I can't imagine why you are seeing that yellow smudge. I've never noticed anything like that in any I've candled here. I guess the dark spot toward the bottom is where she'll pip, but ???
Fingers crossed for a new duckling soon!

Hi! I'd think if the yolk burst, you'd see blood too. I don't know for sure, though. IF the yolk is burst, it probably will perish. All you can do at this point is hope for the best.
could it be that hes burst open the yolk inside...if so will he drown​
I'm going to do some positive thinking and say it's the yolk that needs to be absorbed still, because from what I see and I could be wrong is it's in the air sac, I see the tooth and below that is the yolk so very well may be in position and will start absorbing. Let's hope that is what it is a simple thing as positioning and absorbing.
Im glad your here Bunnies to give me possitive vibes. I need it.. This is where I turn into a worry wart over my 1st hatching. I keep looking in to see if i can see anything or any movement. I need to walk away and go feed the animals and just leave it alone. My humidity is up where it should be but I also have the other 2 eggs in there aswell, so we will see, but I will be candling later on today just to check on him again and to turn my other 2 eggs.
Trust me, no matter what you do, how much you do, if mother nature wants that little one to come into the world by all means everything is and will go as it should, if not well as much as you candle, pip it, move it, spritz it, help it, assist it, in the end mother nature is in control of it's fate. She can be very cruel at times, but there is a purpose for some and for others not, and I shouldn't say that, or that mother nature can be cruel because honestly the ones that didn't make it for me and I opened up the egg to find deformities, those were the ones that actually taught me the most, so even though they didn't come into this world alive, their death taught me what is and isn't normal, the anatomy of the duck, structure, to let go, let God/mother nature whatever it is you believe ect. So, rather some make it, and some don't, those that don't if you look at them as they taught you something valuable for the next set, their death was not in vein. The waiting game is hell until you see that external pip, and even at that it's the watching and waiting to see. Don't do the same mistakes I made by candling them to much, as tempting as it is. KEEP BUSY doing other things! LOL!
No worries! I see all kinds of weird stuff on that last candling--as the duckling gets ready to emerge, it gets pretty gooey and weird in there. The better your candling equipment, the more *stuff* you'll see. If he's moving around a bunch, he's fine. Just leave him in there, get that humidity up, breeeeeaaathe... it's gonna be fine.

Good luck to the little guy. Keep us posted. Can't wait to see his fuzzy little bum when he gets out here! long as folks see all kinds of weird stuff in their eggs then that will do for me. I am keeping away, I will be on this pc for the next 3 days...while im on here im not looking into the bator waiting for something to happen.
Good job I have 3 Mafia Wars accounts on Facebook to keep me busy for the next few days. So if you have a Facebook account come say will find me under....Nicky Ayres
Ummm, Nicky which one are you!? There is a whole list of people under your name spelled the same! Otherwise you can FB me under Missy Swatzell, that way you can see my babies that are now 12 & 10wks old, my 12wk old drake is already getting his emerald green head. He's the only one out of the entire bunch that will be mallard/rouen looking. Anyone else who wants to add me to FB can, just on the request state that you are from here.!/profile.php?id=595642693

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