Egg bound hen

Penicillin or amoxicillin? What is the strength? It might help, but the Baytril is more effective on things like E.coli which is usually a cause of salpingitis. I would be tempted to order the Baytril online, but it's your call.
Amoxicillin 500mg. How do I dose her? I don't know if I have time to wait on Baytril. I don't want to overdose her on the amoxicillin though.
Oh, you are welcome. The dosage of amoxicillin for chickens is 250 to 300 mg per day in 3 divided doses. So I would open a capsule into 5 ml of yogurt and mix real well, then pull it up into a syringe. Each ml would then equal a 100 mg dose. Give that every 8 hours. If she doesn't like yogurt you can experiment. I have used liverwurst, peanut butter, and cheese sauce with my dogs-- whatever works.
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Hi there. I gave her one 100mg dose this morning in yogurt and will give her another at 3:30. I was wondering if I should force feed her? She drank a little on her own but hasn't eaten at all. Is it fine for the amoxicillin to be on an empty stomach? Also should I give her 1 ml of nutri drench or is that unnecessary, and do I give her any probiotic and electrolyte water?
The amoxicillin can be given on an empty stomach. The yogurt has enough probiotics. Nutri drench has electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals, and you can give 2-3 ml per day. I would put some water into a small bowl and add a lot of water to make it soupy. Then hold it up to her or put it in front of her often. Also hold a tablespoon of water to her beak to see if she will deink. Don't force feed her because she could choke and aspirate. She should drink if she feels like it. You can try tube feeding 2-3 times a day if this continues. It's just that she is sick and may not be digesting well. She may not recover from this problem, so it would be up to you whether to do it or not. Casportpony has a good thread called "Go team tube feeding" that includes videos and instructions to learn tube feeding. You can find it by doing a BYC search or by Googling it.
Okay I gave her some nutri drench. Her poop was greenish yellow. I will follow the advice you gave on the food and water. Also how long do I give the antibiotics if she improves?

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