Egg boxes


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 28, 2014
I have two chickens and they are my first. As I gradually gained knowledge I knew that the chickens weren't supposed to sleep in the egg boxes however I think it is too late. I have tried to stop them from sleeping in there with a block but when I take it away after about a week of using it they still try to sleep in the egg boxes. Is there anything else I can do?
Do you have roosting bars that are higher than your nest boxes? That would help a lot. are they laying yet? If not, I'd block them until you see the first eggs. Good luck.
yes the roosting bars are higher and also they have been laying for a long time now as they are about a year old.
Can you take a photo of the inside of your coop? Often there can be something about the setup that contributes to a reluctance to roost that can be spotted when actually seeing things.
thank you but i have managed to do it finally, by going out every night they have finally got the hang of it.
I have same problem. What did you do that made them stop sleeping in box and get on roost?

How old are the birds in question and what is the interior setup of your coop? The best solution is the one that addresses the cause of the problem, which can vary from situation to situation. While this is a common issue encountered the cause isn't always simply that they prefer the boxes, but that the roost is undesirable.
Hens are 18+ mos. roosts were low. Bought the permafrost coop from feed store. Didn't know it was a problem until I joined this website.
Hens are 18+ mos. roosts were low. Bought the permafrost coop from feed store. Didn't know it was a problem until I joined this website.
'Were low'...did you change them?

Couldn't find that coop by googling........but I'll bet it's too small and roosts are too low.
How many birds?
Link or pic and dimensions of coop would help us help you.
So sorry. Auto correct feature on phone put permafrost. I don't even know why that word is there. Anyway... The roosts inside the coop are low. Only an inch or two above floor. The whole coop is probably 4-5 feet long by 2-3 feet wide. 2 laying boxes. $150 at tractor supply.

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