Egg Color Determination


8 Years
Jul 12, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
What determines the color of the egg? I know that certain breeds such as barred rocks lay a brown egg, but for instance EE, what determines the egg color?
Short answer, genetics. What genes do the parents give her.

Longer answer. There is one gene pair that determines base color, blue or white. Blue is dominant so if just one of that gene pair is blue, the hen will lay a base blue egg.

Brown or green is just brown laid on top of that base color. Think of it this way

Base Blue + no Brown = Blue
Base Blue + Brown = Green
Base White + no Brown = White
Base White + Brown = Brown

There are a whole bunch of different genes that determine the shade of brown. That's why there can be so many different shades of brown or green.
Well darn. I was hoping I could just post a pic of my EE's and someone would tell me what color the eggs would be. Guess I just need to wait until they lay as these are my first chickens and have no idea about their genetics. Party pooper with your smart technical answer. LOL Though I appreciate the answer.
How about some more smart alecky technical answer. If they have a pea comb, there is a reasonable chance they will lay either blue or green eggs. There is no guarantee and it does depend on genetics, but the blue egg gene tends to follow the pea comb.
I have 2 Easter Eggers (that look nearly identical) hatched from the same brood, one lays a green egg and one lays a cream colored egg.

I wanted blue eggs, so I ordered pure Ameraucanas the next time around.
How about some more smart alecky technical answer. If they have a pea comb, there is a reasonable chance they will lay either blue or green eggs. There is no guarantee and it does depend on genetics, but the blue egg gene tends to follow the pea comb.
Great. I have one with a pea comb and one without. I'm really not digging your answers. You are not telling me what I want to hear or making it easy for me.

I have a picture of my 5 oldest girls on my facebook. The 2nd and 3rd from the left are the Easter Eggers. The darker one lays cream colored eggs and the lighter one lays green eggs.
Do you let them inside?? They look like they want to come in and visit. Very pretty girls. I have an all white and a bark brown almost partridge looking one. Still waiting on eggs.

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