Egg eating or egg sucking? Picture added! What do You think?

The Chicken People

10 Years
May 4, 2009
Smithville, Mo
We have found an egg that appears to have been sucked out! Is this a snake problem or did the girls do it? I cant see them being so neat about eating an egg! Picture to come soon!
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No snakes just eat them whole, looks like the work of a chicken. WTS give a higher protien diet, and collect eggs more often. Sometimes they never do get over eating egg's but you have to nip this in the bud as the other chickens will soon learn this bad habit and it could go south very fast. Good luck.

I put Golf balls in my pen my pap gave me some when they start eating eggs i put the golf balls in their nest so they think its an egg and peck at it so when they peck the golf balls it will hurt them a lil and they will learn notto pick at ur eggs

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