Egg eating problems!


Queen Of The Coop
8 Years
Jul 13, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
I have a hen (i don't know which one of my 7 girls) but she is eating an egg from the same hen every morning! Its sooo annoying! Every morning! What can i do to stop this????
I don't really want to go to see the hen laying and take the egg quickly, before the evil hen eats it!......any help would be appreciated.....:)
Personally, I'd doubt that egg eating and protein deficiency are related. What may be more likely is that at some point, one of your hens came across a cracked or soft shelled egg, and being inquisitive, gave it a few good extra pecks and got the reward of an egg. This has become a learned behaviour where an action (pecking an egg) results in a reward (the raw egg).

I'd suggest putting effort into finding the culprit (learned behaviours can be contagious) and isolating her and putting ceramic eggs in a nest box. She may, over time "unlearn" the relationship between egg pecking and reward, and give up. The flip side is, she may not. I would not tolerate and egg eating hen in my flock, but thats a choice you would have to make. I'm sure that others will provide additional suggestions - see what you make of them all, and then do what you feel is best, would be my advice.
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hi , I've delt with this issue too , problem is once they've tasted the egg they are unlikely going to stop doing it but there are some cases she stops using indeed a ceramic egg or better : try a cooked egg , saw in two , fill up with mostard ( taking yolk out ) once she has tasted the mostard she might step of the idea to eat eggs . Tried EVERYthing with my egg-eating hen but it all failed , she became actually cannibalistic eating pieces of herself and being real crazy , had to cull that one , hopes up for your hen ! good luck !

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