Egg laying issue?


Oct 19, 2019
Willamette Valley, OR
Last night, right before we tucked the ducks in for the night (they're protected in a locked shed with hay and water overnight), we noticed that our normally loud and active duck was very quiet and just wanted to lay down in the grass. She came running for a few treats (part of their normal bedtime routine) though.

This morning, she had laid a solid, normal egg—not in a nest like she normally would, and not anywhere near her usual preferred spot—in the shed but as she came out, I saw that something that looked like a small bag was hanging out of her bottom. I attached a few photos of it here. It looks like a soft shell, with traces of yolk, blood, and poop. After I pulled it out (it easily came out, there was no resistance), she didn't react, she just kept going about her business, though not as actively as usual at all. Normally, she'd be excited to be out, hunting for bugs and things. She drank water from one of their deep buckets and while doing that, she expelled what looked like water. Ever since that, she's been snuggled into a nest she made under a bush in the yard weeks and weeks ago. This is where she has laid eggs in the past and taken naps.

Other than judging her temperature, feeling for any blockages (I don't feel any), and monitoring her bowel movements, what else should I do? Does anyone have suggestions for alternates to KY jelly, in case we need to use that? I have countless allergies to all kinds of topical products and their ingredients, but I have this —would that be safe to use if necessary?

All day, they have access to a bucket of oyster shell, and of course their food. This is the first issue either one has had with laying. They're both about 1 year and 7 months old anconas and they laid their first eggs the first week of this past January.


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It’s not uncommon to see something like this once in a while especially if they have been on a roll laying. So hopefully it’s just a glitch and won’t happen again for quite a while. What I would have on hand though is some calcium gluconate it’s a good liquid calcium that can help with a stuck egg or if they need an extra boost of calcium. 1 ml over a tasty treat is the best way to treat. TSC carries it and once open refrigerate. Coconut oil would work.
It’s not uncommon to see something like this once in a while especially if they have been on a roll laying. So hopefully it’s just a glitch and won’t happen again for quite a while. What I would have on hand though is some calcium gluconate it’s a good liquid calcium that can help with a stuck egg or if they need an extra boost of calcium. 1 ml over a tasty treat is the best way to treat. TSC carries it and once open refrigerate. Coconut oil would work.
Hearing from a more experienced duck owner than I am is a relief; thank you!

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