egg laying stopped...could it be rats?


Jun 16, 2022
My 5 girls were all giving me an egg a day after molting this yr, and then 3 of them got broody and won't come out or I'm down to one egg a day and 3 broody hens I have to kick out of the house during the day or they'd starve themselves. I have a rat/mouse issue getting worse and ordered a "ratinator" trap but still waiting for it to arrive. Could the rats coming by at night be why they aren't laying or do broody hens quit laying and what kind of help can I give them? They're all one yr old, healthy and seem fine other than that. 2 welsummers and one blue jersey giant are the broody ones and then my buff orpington and 2nd blue jersey giant are still laying but don't even want to go inside the house at night. They prefer perching in the coop which is completely enclosed but rats are getting in thru the wire. Ordered a Ratinator which hopefully will be here soon. Wondering if its stress from the rodents.
Broody hens quit laying, and once their broodiness 'breaks' they generally go several weeks before restarting. The rats should be eliminated, but I doubt they are having any impact on egg laying.
turn out its lice/mites. Looking into treatment.

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