Egg recall on the News stations every day now.

Ok, I have chickens that are very happy. Always eat well, free range, have a nice home the whole deal. My question isn't how many eggs will be recalled but what feed did these hens eat? I hear there food was contaminated. Are we doing the same to our birds? How do we know? Do they get a special feed or is it a brand name that we buy? That is the question I have. I don't want my birds getting sick from contaminated feed. That already happened with dog and horse food. Something to think about.
I get plenty of fresh chicken and duck eggs from our birds every day. My sister and I eat 2 every day for breakfast, but my mom is still convinced that they are poison, and has stopped eating eggs every since the recall. I show all the videos of where they live and how they are treated, but she says they aren't really treated like that and continued buying store bought eggs (not right now though) . I think the Salmonella recall is helping her realize this a little, but she still won't eat our eggs.
This will pass in time, like everything else. people only remember what they want to..they complain about the prices of fresh eggs, now they want them and they will pay anything and when reminded of their remarks a year ago about the cost, they scratch their heads and say...."who? Me?, I never said anything about the cost of fresh eggs!" drives me crazy. People for the most part think when they go to the store and get eggs the eggs were delivered that morning from hens that laid them the day before...UGHHHHH.
it is the chemicals put in the foods.....ever notice the expiration date on a carton of milk? will last forever. what is in that stuff? And unfortunately unless you have access to fresh milk you are forced to drink it.....someone needs to get some morals and stop thinking about the almighty dollar...think about ppl. as a whole and what they are doing to them.
I've only had my 3 girls about a month. The friends, family and co-workers who originally called me crazy are now eagerly placing egg orders!

I love growing my own food and taking care of my chickens!
D'Angelo N Va. :

it is the chemicals put in the foods.....ever notice the expiration date on a carton of milk? will last forever. what is in that stuff? And unfortunately unless you have access to fresh milk you are forced to drink it.....someone needs to get some morals and stop thinking about the almighty dollar...think about ppl. as a whole and what they are doing to them.


I used to get irritated by people and what they believe to be true or what the government tells them is true. Now I don't care what they think. I think for myself and take care of myself and try to be near like-minded people here on the forums. I have too many anxiety attacks thinking about people who will never change.​

I used to get irritated by people and what they believe to be true or what the government tells them is true. Now I don't care what they think. I think for myself and take care of myself and try to be near like-minded people here on the forums. I have too many anxiety attacks thinking about people who will never change.


I find like minded folks comforting and uplifting too... However I do really enjoy trying to understand how people with different opinion think.. It is deeply satisfying for me, when one can find common ground with people who think differently than I do. (It gives me hope that maybe our species may have evolved slightly from our Neanderthal ancestors....)

Be Well

I used to get irritated by people and what they believe to be true or what the government tells them is true. Now I don't care what they think. I think for myself and take care of myself and try to be near like-minded people here on the forums. I have too many anxiety attacks thinking about people who will never change.

I'm with you

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