Egg remaining in quail for two days -- Should I be concerned?


Jul 27, 2023
I have four layers and three of them have been laying consistently for several weeks now (Special thanks to Nabiki for the help!)

One of them seems to be laying sporadically, and I haven't been able to figure out which one. However, I noticed two days ago that one of them, Venus, has a hard, egg-shaped something below her cloaca which I assume is an egg she has yet to lay. She has laid before as I've gotten four eggs at a time some days, but the presumed unlaid egg has been there for two days. I tried to help her push it out (gently!), but I didn't go too far as I did not want to hurt her. Should I be concerned about this? Am I being too impatient, or is this a medical thing I should be concerned about?
Is she fluffing up or acting lethargic? Is she pooping? If she seems to be acting normal and is pooping, I wouldn't worry, but if she's acting at all off, I would start treating her immediately.
She's been acting normally, yes. Poop can still come out, so far as I can tell. Is it normal for a hen to retain an egg if she thinks laying conditions are poor?
She's been acting normally, yes. Poop can still come out, so far as I can tell. Is it normal for a hen to retain an egg if she thinks laying conditions are poor?
Yes, a hen can delay laying due to stress, predators or you bothering her too much, or if they just don't feel comfortable.

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