Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!


5 Years
Jun 19, 2014
Sorry to be so excited but I'm new to chickens. While raking out their run earlier, I heard my oldest RIR Holly Hobby singing her song in the coop. I'm 100% sure that's what it is since I've been checking out videos on youtube that show hens doing their Egg Song. She's around 17 or 18 weeks old and I know that is young but she's had a beautiful, beet red comb/waddle/face for weeks now. No egg but I'm thinking that means she's practicing before the big event. I really expected my Black Star's to lay first because they're about the same age but I'll take what I can get. LOL And, who knows, maybe they'll score 1st and aren't as eager to announce it as she is? Thanks for your patience in letting me ramble. :)

Tracy (Michigan)
Woot!! YAY for the Egg Song!!!

Don't apologize for the excitement! I still get so excited when I hear my little sweeties singing their egg song in the mornings, sometimes the afternoon even! Lol!

Chickens are the best, and their eggs are a gift to you when you take such good care of them! I love it!
No eggs yet but today one of her coop mates, my Easter egger Wheatly, is now "squatting" when I'm around her. Hmmmm, they seem to be competing now for the "1st Layer" trophy. :)
Don't apologize!! I still love hearing the egg song! And I've had chicken for years!! :)

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