Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

My early morning layer, Cookie lays in silence but sure lets me know when my later eggs are to be collected.
Holy mother of eggs, I found this monster in my coop today. This is it next to a regular sized egg. I can't even close the carton with it in there!
I let my boyfriend 'find' the egg for the first time. He was so excited! He's gotten very attached to my hens & them to him. He fixed their coop for them one day as they watched him. Ever since then, they follow him everywhere like the do me. So when he found the monster egg, he was so proud & egg-cited!

My first egg - and the daft banana laid it in the middle of the concrete walkway, instead of the nestbox!
One of my girls laid her very first egg while up on the roost! Fortunately the poop tray is filled with sand/sweet PDZ so it didn't break, and ever since then she continues to lay her egg up there....chickens....go figure!!
Never get tired of the egg song! And your hen is just gorgeous!! Love those fluffy butts!!!
It's a good thing we love our fluffy butts because they love to show them. Here are some more pics I took this morning.

I actually got 5 out of my 6 EE butts in one pic.

Morning snack: 3 1/2 pounds of fodder sprinkled with a cup of scratch for the cold.

I honestly thought the egg was coming from this girl. She has the most red in her comb among my EEs.

I hope these ladies don't hold out on me. It's getting pretty cold.

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