Eggbound? Tried epsom baths, olive oil, massage... going on day 3...

They do only have one hole on the outside, but just inside there is another hole that gets to the reproductive tract, and that can be hard to find. If one cannot feel an egg in hole number one there is no need to find hole number 2. It's been my experience that the only time you need to find hole numbe two is when you can feel a hard or soft shelled egg, Does that make sense?
So far she's had about 4 soaks each a half hour long with me gently massaging her abdomen. I've fed her olive oil and helped her wash it down with water that has a water soluble vitamin & electrolytes mix in it. I've given her yogurt with a capsule of probiotics in it, I've given her liquid calcium, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, fruits...

few days now since I first noticed her walking around like a penguin

@EggSighted4Life Thanks so much for the speedy response. What can I do for her if she's laying internally? I'm not exactly sure how old she is as I have quite a large mix of 29 chickens from ages 5-1 and have taken in a lot of chickens from friends but she looks like an older hen. Also not sure when she last laid an egg but she hasn't laid since she's been inside.. Hopefully the video helps.. Thanks again. -Mikala

If you did he exam and did not feel an egg then there is a good chance she is not egg bound, though it can be hard the feel a shell-less egg.

Other things, like ascites, peritonitis, cancer, or salpingitis can cause the penguin stance.

Does her belly feel bloated?

When you did the exam, were her insides smooth, or did you feel any pimple like nodules?
She is very uncomfortable. How many days has she been like this?

I agree, she likely has a reproductive disorder - internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, cancer, tumors, salpingitis and/or complications of ascites.
With the OP reporting she has been like this for a few days(?), then she is not "egg bound" or at least does not have an egg stuck in the cloaca. A soft shelled egg is a possibility, but I've never had one try to pass one for days if they had been soaking/had calcium, etc. Generally that promotes enough contractions for them to pass a soft egg. I am assuming she is passing waste.

In the video it looks like the lower abdomen is swollen - is it hard, soft, tight like it filled with fluid?

All you can do is continue to offer her supportive care. IF there is fluid in the belly, sometimes it can be drained to help give some relief.
Keep her hydrated and see if she wants to eat, but you will want to monitor her crop to see that it's emptying properly. A lot of times a bird like this, the crop is not going to empty and then you end up with crop problems too.
My gut feeling from her stance and body shape in that image is that this bird is suffering from Salpingitis and whilst it will not be what you want to hear, I think she would be best served by ending her suffering. Production birds like her are sadly, very prone to reproductive ailments that are usually terminal sooner or later and cause them a lot of suffering.
If you do not feel able to do it yourself or want to try to support her until you get to the vets then I would definitely give her more warm Epsom soaks and internal exams and lubrication. Even if it just helps her to poop it will make her a little more comfortable.

What I would say is that if you are waiting on a pay cheque in order to take her to the vet's then perhaps you are may not be in a position to afford veterinary treatment for her. Do not feel embarrassed or obliged to take her if that is the case. Many of us cannot afford veterinary treatment for all our sick chickens. I would however make arrangements to euthanize her sooner rather than later, either yourself or find someone who can do it humanely for you, if that is the case. There may be other chickens or yourself that will need and benefit from that money more than this hen which in my opinion is unfortunately not long for this world.
I'm very sorry :hugs

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