Eggs -Day19 - occasional rocking already?


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
Eggs went into lockdown last night -today is day 19. Decided to play some chick/ momma hen noises for them through the vent hole, and I’m convinced I saw a couple make slight rocking movements. Is it possible to see some egg movement Already? No pips and eggs were kept in garage (cool temp) until all brought in for incubation at the same time and all were 5 days old or less.

FWIW, when I candled last night a couple of the eggs looked less developed/eggs looked less full than most others, yet, there was embryo movement, so they are alive.
Eggs went into lockdown last night -today is day 19. Decided to play some chick/ momma hen noises for them through the vent hole, and I’m convinced I saw a couple make slight rocking movements. Is it possible to see some egg movement Already? No pips and eggs were kept in garage (cool temp) until all brought in for incubation at the same time and all were 5 days old or less.

FWIW, when I candled last night a couple of the eggs looked less developed/eggs looked less full than most others, yet, there was embryo movement, so they are alive.
Hey, how did the hatch go? I’m asking because I candled last night day 18 and 2 out of the five eggs in my incubator looked less developed than the others, there were areas which weren’t dark, but they were also rocking along with the other eggs.
Hey, how did the hatch go? I’m asking because I candled last night day 18 and 2 out of the five eggs in my incubator looked less developed than the others, there were areas which weren’t dark, but they were also rocking along with the other eggs.

good luck to you!

all hatched within 24 hoursof each other. Most did the usual pip/zip in air cell. I found it useful to mark the air cells at this point bc some of them changed shape to be to one side of the egg. That way, I positioned the eggs so the majority of the air cell was facing up. Some pipped in the middle of the egg, but maybe air cell had expanded since I had marked them, and they were within the cell. Two did not hatch, although I only left them in an additional 24 hours, and candled a couple of times to try to see movement, played the chick/momma sounds, etc, but I didn’t detect movement.

now I have another batch in. I set 42, but just removed 11 infertile ones-it is day 7. Hopefully it’s successful!
good luck to you!

all hatched within 24 hoursof each other. Most did the usual pip/zip in air cell. I found it useful to mark the air cells at this point bc some of them changed shape to be to one side of the egg. That way, I positioned the eggs so the majority of the air cell was facing up. Some pipped in the middle of the egg, but maybe air cell had expanded since I had marked them, and they were within the cell. Two did not hatch, although I only left them in an additional 24 hours, and candled a couple of times to try to see movement, played the chick/momma sounds, etc, but I didn’t detect movement.

now I have another batch in. I set 42, but just removed 11 infertile ones-it is day 7. Hopefully it’s successful!
Thanks for the reply. After this hatch is complete I’m going to be testing out my new brinsea ovation 28 :wee Good luck with your current eggs

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