wash or not to wash?



Jun 27, 2019
So I’ve heard people say wash and refrigerate and I’ve heard people say do not wash and leave on counter. I’m getting 9 eggs per day right now. I’ve given a couple doZen away. But what’s the best way to store them safely? I know washing them removes the bloom, but if they’re refrigerated are they still safe to eat sunny side up (the CDC says no runny eggs if washed because of salmonella transfer.)
Even unwashed they'll last longer with refrigeration than without. I refrigerate my eggs but don't wash them - any eggs that are dirty enough to need washing I either eat immediately or save them for the dogs.

My usual egg preparation is soft poached with super runny yolks.

Eggs for hard boiling I wash and scrub in lukewarm water right before boiling.
Is it bad to wash them? I just started getting eggs and wash each one then put in the fridge. Is that bad to do? I tend to eat a boiled egg a day but have not started on my girls set since I'm trying to finish the store bought ones.
I wash and refrigerate eggs every day, and it's fine. Eggs for hatching aren't washed, or refrigerated, but that's a separate issue.
Eggs in the refrigerator are fresher way longer than eggs at room temperature!
Wash them in warm running water, and refrigerate immediately. Really dirty eggs aren't worth it, I throw them out. Some dirt gets washed off, never left on the egg. Any cracked at all get pitched too.
Is it bad to wash them? I just started getting eggs and wash each one then put in the fridge. Is that bad to do? I tend to eat a boiled egg a day but have not started on my girls set since I'm trying to finish the store bought ones.
So I’ve been leaving mine out on the counter without washing. I wash them as needed. But if I do wash them I put them in the refrigerator
I don't wash eggs unless they are very dirty, then will refrigerate or use immediately because thorough washing will remove all the protective bloom(cuticle).

Eggs should be washed in 'water warmer than the egg'.
Simple physics, using colder water will cause the egg contents to contract, causing any 'germs' on exterior surface of egg shell to be pulled into the interior of egg thru the shell pores. Using warmer water will do the opposite.

I don't use any soap or other cleaning/sanitizing agent, just rotate in my hands to 'scrub' all surfaces area of egg shell. Then I air and towel dry before placing in the fridge.

If you are washing eggs for sale to the general public, other requirements may apply, so check your state regulations.

When in doubt....
Open eggs one at a time in a separate dish before adding to pan or recipe,
use your eyes, nose, and common sense to decide if egg is OK to eat.

I've stored eggs for a couple of months in baskets on the counter. Give em a quick scrub in warm running water right before using. I serve them with runny yolks frequently.

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