Elderly parents can be so....


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
My dad called and left a message on our answering machine yesterday. It went something like this:

"Kat, this is your Dad, Ray (yep! I only have one dad and that would be his name).
It's Christmas Day and the time is....let's see, I can't read the clock on the...what do you call that thing...oh yeah, a microwave...and the time is....I can't read it, this kitchen is too dark...I keep meaning to put in stronger lightbulbs....anyhow, I don't know what time it is, but I need to talk to you, so would you please return my call as soon as you can?"

I tried to call him back twice yesterday but couldn't reach him. I was a bit concerned because I had just spoken to him on Christmas Eve.
I tried twice this morning before finally getting ahold of him.

"Dad, this is Kat. I'm returning your call."
"You are? When did I call you?"
"Yesterday, on Christmas Day"
"What did I call you about?"
"I dunno Dad. That's why I'm calling back."
"Well, I don't remember what I called you about."
LOL that is cute,, let me add mine from this morning! You know the pet names our parents have for us, the one we always hope they will never use anywhere but safely behind closed doors? Well this morning I'm up at our local hangout for coffee,, the phone behind the counter rings and I see Stephie getting a really funny look on her face trying not to laugh. She hangs up, looks over at me and says "Hey Kaydiddle! There's a guy at your gate about a rooster!" My dad used his pet name for me on the phone,, why didn't he call my cell phone? Didn't think of it!
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Don'cha just love em? It's tuf gettin old. If I want to keep a secret I just tell myself cuz my wife says I can't remember ..................... well I won't tell you what she says I can't remember.
I gots the same problem. My mother always calls me and leaves a message: "Becky, I just need to ask you a question, just give me a call when you get this message." So far, she's been able to remember the questions to ask me.
OK funny on the same vein: DH tells DD, who is 7, to call grandma and tell her we were coming over. DD comes back out and says "Oma didn't answer so I texted her!"


DH has to explain to her that granma cannot even get her voice messages off her phone let alone read texts!!!
Hey at least you got a somewhat message my dad would always leave" You know I hate them $#%&(^# answering machines, so call me when you get a chance" AND he usually wouldn't remember what he wanted but then we would talk for an hour anyway, never knowing what the original call was for.

P.S. Kaydiddle has been PMed to myself so I will remember it next time I need something.
(Otherwise I will forget it)
LOL thats like my dad....

my end: ring ring... {my answering machine cuts in} my greeting... BEEP...

dad: ok mom i heard the beep now what.?.. Hearing my moms voice from a distance.... "now enter our phone number"

dad: (voice) 905-123-4567 call me back

then i hear... I dont know what she cant use an answering machine like the rest of us... NOOOOO she has to have the fancy things that you need a computer degree to use... then i hear my mom in the back ground again.... dad.. why is the light on the phone on?....

OPPS he forgot to hang up....

and the entering of the number was supposed to be with the keypad, then i get it as a text message on my cell so i can call them back right away...

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