Embden Goose- How To Tell Sex

If you figure out how to vent sex, it is very easy. Just need to know what your looking for. I figured it out, and its easy cause I know what I'm looking for. And has also come in handy often!
I find myself in a similar predicament with 8 geese almost a year old (about 10 months) and at least a couple of them should be females. My question is this - the gray/blue feather color on the wings/sides of young females - does this ALWAYS hold true? Is it ONLY females that would show that coloration? Because I do have at least one and maybe 2 geese that have a little bit of gray feathering, so that would be nice if I could say for sure those were ladies. And wouldn't it be nice if it made my life that easy....:D

Depends where the grey feathers are.
if they are a large feather it will stay for life and grow a new grey feather actually there every year
If the grey feather/feathers are on the neck or are small feathers then it will eventually go away and wont come back.(if there is more then 3-4 grey feathers then it could be a mix breed :/)
These are on the wings. I think they are larger feathers, will have to take another look. They had better not be mixed breeds since I bought these from Metzer as hatchlings last year and raised them!

So basically....my grey feather probably don't mean a thing.
Nearly all pure white goose breeds when young will have one or two grey or black feathers but it will disappear before or during molting season (when they loose feathers and grow new feathers)
But if it is a mix breed the grey/black feathers will always stay with the goose and if the grey feathers are still there after summer then it isnt a pure embden goose :/
not to make you feel bad:/
Can anyone help tell the sex of them


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