*EMERGENCY* Can I put only one egg in a incubator?

What would I need to do different-ly?
She will definitely keep that baby bantam polish warm.
A mother pigeon expects her babies to be almost naked, and to stay in the nest for several weeks. She expects them to open their beaks wide for her to feed them with liquid regurgitated from her crop. This continues for several weeks, maybe a month, before they have feathers and are ready to eat for themselves. Once they reach that point, they are almost ready to be independent, and the mother will soon be done caring for them.

A mother chicken expects her babies to have fluffy down all over. She never brings food to them. Within a day or so of hatching, the hen gets off the nest and walks to where the food is, and the chicks follow along behind. She shows them what is good to eat and drink, but they do the eating and drinking for themselves. When the chicks get cold, they peep loudly, and the mother hen sits down and clucks for them to snuggle underneath. Once they are warm, she and they go do something else (like find more food.) She takes care of her babies for a month or two (sometimes more or less), but the "taking care" is very different than the pigeon. Mother hen is leading her chicks around, teaching them what a chicken needs to know (eating and drinking and dustbathing and hiding from predators and eventually how to sleep on a perch instead of underneath her.)

Basically, they are two VERY different models of baby-bird care. Mixing them is probably not going to work right.

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