Emergency! Cookie Recipe needed!

a whole bunch of much?
What about chocolate oatmeal cookies? Super easy and no baking.

Chocolate oatmeal cookies

2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa
1/2 cup milk
1 stick butter
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups quick oatmeal

In saucepan combine the first 4 ingredients. Bring to a boil and boil 3 minutes. remove from heat and add vanilla and peanut butter and stir until peanut butter is melted. Stir in oatmeal. Drop on wax paper and let cool.

My son loves these cookies.
MP :

Do you have any dried cranberries, I have a simple but killer Biscotti recipe, you have any dried cranberries and chopped walnuts.

The one I would give you. This is the best cookie recipe in the world and the only one I ever remember making at my house growing up (aside from sugar cookies that is). My moma had a house full of kids and we could NEVER wait til they were hard to eat them. If you haven't tried these than you definitely should!
I do! Give it up! Please. lol

The boiled cookies is one I have made since I was a kid. It is a good cookie just not one I am int he mood for right now.

Instead of spending money on junkie valentine's cards for school mates my DD and I made cookies and put them in a baggie for each child. It won't be a wasted effort that gets put into a landfill in a week.

My DD who works at the hospital has a cookie swap tomorrow for Valentine's so I did a batch of cookies for her.

This year I don't feel pressed to buy a card and be forced into a sappy holiday expence engineered to make the florist and hallmark money.

Instead I made my honey* a homemade card and a batch of peanutbutter cookies.

Photos tomorrow.

*I also gave him orders not to waste money on junky cards for me and certainly no candy.

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