Emergency! Cookie Recipe needed!

Hi Miss Prissy, have you got the flourless peanut butter cooky recipe yet? Sorry, didn't read the whole thread

1 cup peanut butter (I use crunchy)
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 tablespoon vanilla

Blend well, preheat oven to 325 degrees and then roll peanut butter balls and mark with sugared fork.

These will brown in a hurry. Depending on size of the cooky, you can have ready in about 12-15 minutes. Put pan on rack to cool and remove the cookies just when almost hard.

I never have leftovers with these. Enjoy.
I've developed a little addiction to these cookies as of late! Heavenly with a cup of coffee or an ice cold glass of milk.

Molasses Cookies

¾ cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup blackstrap molasses
¼ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon baking soda
1 ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 ½ teaspoon ginger
2 ¼ cups unbleached all-purpose flour

Directions :
Cream together butter & sugar, add egg and beat thoroughly. Add molasses, salt, soda, cinnamon, and ginger. Gradually mix in flour, mixture will be very thick. Using a teaspoon drop onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake 7-9 minutes in a 350 degree oven.

Yields 4 dozen cookies.

Dough can be refrigerated for at least one hour and rolled out to use cookie cutters.
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Cake mix cookies

1 cake mix (any flavor)
3 ounces of softened cream cheese
1/2 stick of butter softened
1 egg

optional: chips, m&m's, cinnamon (or any spice you want), nuts, etc. You can add anything you like!

Mix it all together and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

The possibilities are endless. This recipe can be dropped by the spoon onto the cookie sheet, or you can roll it out and use cookie cutters. The favorite at my house is chocolate fudge cake mix with chocolate chips or yellow cake with cinnamon and m&m's. DD loves strawberry cake mix cookies with cherry frosting. At Christmas a white cake mix makes great sugar cookie cutouts. Pilsbury now makes a reduced sugar cake mix that I use to make my diabetic friendly cookies with.
This was my favorite lunchbox treat growing up:

Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats

2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups light karo syrup
2 1/2 cups smooth peanut butter
6 cups rice krispies (or less depending on taste), separated

In a large bowl place 5 cups rice krispies, reserve 1 cup separately. Bring sugar and karo syrup to a boil over high heat. Count to 50 to 55 seconds. Immediately turn off burner and stir in peanut butter. When it is fully combined pour over rice krispies in bowl. Stir in remaining cup rice krispies until the mixture looks right. Spread evenly in a 13 by 9 inch pan (grease hands with butter if necessary to press down evenly into pan). Cool completely before serving.
Oh, I have a new shortbread recipie I love. Sometimes I add chocolate chips or toffee chips, for Valentines, I cut them out and rolled the edges in red sugar. I mostly just do powered sugar.

Take a pound of soft butter, 1 and 1/4 cup of brown sugar and 4 1/2 cups of flour. Moush together really well and either roll out and cut out or just form into balls. Cook at 325 for about 30 minutes. Then decorate as you like.

Wonderful and super easy. By the way, Moush is a highly technical term we chefs use. If you need further clarification, PM me.

Anyone have that meringue cookie made with nuts, eggs whites, choc chips that you put in the oven over night after turning it off.

MMMMMMLife is sweet now I want something sweet to eat. Hands must leave the computer and cook!
This is one of my favorites:


1 c. brown sugar, packed
1 c. pumpkin
1/2 c. oil
1 tsp. vanilla
2 c. sifted flour
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. each salt, cinnamon & nutmeg
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
1 c. raisins
1/2 c. chopped nuts

In mixing bowl beat together sugar, pumpkin, oil and vanilla. Sift together dry ingredients; add and stir until smooth. Blend in raisins and nuts. Drop by teaspoon on greased baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. Makes 3 to 4 dozen. NO EGGS needed in these moist, soft cookies.

*My kids don't care for nuts in their cookies, so I usually add chocolate chips in place of the nuts and I use golden raisins. Sooooo good!

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