Emergency, Egg Shell Stuck in Vent (Graphic Pictures)

Please post photos of her, her face/eye, her poop.

Did she expel the membrane or not?
You noticed blood on the vent - she's had a collapsed membrane and a difficult time expelling it from what I can understand. I would surmise that the blood is from the difficulties she's been having over the last day or so with the egg, not Coccidiosis.

Take time to read the article linked below, so you can safely give oral medications.

Tylan 50 dose is 0.25ml per pound of weight given orally 3 times a day for 5 days in a row. It's an excellent antibiotic used to treat bacterial and bacterial-like respiratory infections like Mycoplasma. If you have started treatment, then I'd finish the course.

You will still need to flush the eye and apply your ointment as suggested in your other thread.

Any lesions or canker or mucous inside the beak?

Check her for lice and mites while you are taking care of her to make sure they are not a problem.

If her crop is not emptying overnight, then let us know.

And yes, continue with the Calcium with D3 for 5 days.

Thank you Wyorp Rock for your help! She passed the membrane yesterday and later I will post pics of her all around so you guys hopefully can help me more. She don't have any canker or mucous inside her beak. How can I tell if she is emptying overnight? So if I get it right, I need to keep flushing her eye, apply Terramycin, give her Tylan, give her the D3+Calcium and also Baicalin? Do I need to check her ears with a Q-Tip?
So I checked and she feels soft all around the vent and up to the abdomen where the spine is. Later I would give her the soak and I will post pictures to let me know if you see any issues. Should I start giving her Baicalin with the Tylan then? Today I start her with the calcium and D3 like you told me. I did a huge mistake though, I accidentally administered Tylan, and a good amount went to her trachea instead of her stomach and she vomit 3 times all water. Also I checked her ears and they look dry, what does it mean? I really appreciate all your help :thumbsup
Yes on the Baicalin.

We all choke our chicken occasionally administering meds. If she coughed it up, she will be fine. Maybe watch a few videos on administering oral meds to a chicken. It's a skill.

Dry ears are great, it means the infection hasn't filled them with fluid and dried up yet.

No blockage means no violation with the index finger.

Soak her, keep her in a dark place.

The prolapse doesn't look as terrifying as it could be. I'll know more after the soak.
Yes on the Baicalin.

We all choke our chicken occasionally administering meds. If she coughed it up, she will be fine. Maybe watch a few videos on administering oral meds to a chicken. It's a skill.

Dry ears are great, it means the infection hasn't filled them with fluid and dried up yet.

No blockage means no violation with the index finger.

Soak her, keep her in a dark place.

The prolapse doesn't look as terrifying as it could be. I'll know more after the soak.
I'll be back with pictures and more info about her crop. She roost all day today and barely eating :(
The bubbles in the eye is a common sign of mycoplasma (MG,) a common chronic respiratory disease. Tylan (tylosin) is a better antibiotic and is approved for poultry to treat MG symptoms. But you also need to clean the eye with saline or eye wash and wipe away the bubbles or foam. Not all chickens who have the bubbles in the eye will have all of the other symptoms. Tylan may need a couple of days to help. You can use Terramycin eye ointment at the same time, and it is oxytetracycline. The dosage that Wyorp Rock gave is correct, and give it orally 3 times daily. Glad that your hen expelled the membrane. Many times we don’t see collapsed egg membranes because the other chickens may see it and pull it out of the vent. Give the calcium orally daily for a few days to a week. I am not familiar with Baicalin, but the above meds should help. Testing is the best way to know for sure if your hen has MG. Here is some reading about it:
https://extension.umd.edu/sites/ext... Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf
The bubbles in the eye is a common sign of mycoplasma (MG,) a common chronic respiratory disease. Tylan (tylosin) is a better antibiotic and is approved for poultry to treat MG symptoms. But you also need to clean the eye with saline or eye wash and wipe away the bubbles or foam. Not all chickens who have the bubbles in the eye will have all of the other symptoms. Tylan may need a couple of days to help. You can use Terramycin eye ointment at the same time, and it is oxytetracycline. The dosage that Wyorp Rock gave is correct, and give it orally 3 times daily. Glad that your hen expelled the membrane. Many times we don’t see collapsed egg membranes because the other chickens may see it and pull it out of the vent. Give the calcium orally daily for a few days to a week. I am not familiar with Baicalin, but the above meds should help. Testing is the best way to know for sure if your hen has MG. Here is some reading about it:
https://extension.umd.edu/sites/extension.umd.edu/files/2022-04/FS-1008 Recognizing and Preventing Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf
Baicalin is the active compound in Chinese Skullcap. It has some pretty comprehensive clinical studies showing it is effective against MG, Avian Flu and
Marek's Disease. It's not a cure, it's a viable treatment that supports the immune system and actively suppresses the viruses. I know MG is a bacteria, but they tested against it in some of the studies and had success.

Better yet, it's non-reactive to antibiotics. So it's addition to Treatment augments a broad spectrum antibiotic.
The bubbles in the eye is a common sign of mycoplasma (MG,) a common chronic respiratory disease. Tylan (tylosin) is a better antibiotic and is approved for poultry to treat MG symptoms. But you also need to clean the eye with saline or eye wash and wipe away the bubbles or foam. Not all chickens who have the bubbles in the eye will have all of the other symptoms. Tylan may need a couple of days to help. You can use Terramycin eye ointment at the same time, and it is oxytetracycline. The dosage that Wyorp Rock gave is correct, and give it orally 3 times daily. Glad that your hen expelled the membrane. Many times we don’t see collapsed egg membranes because the other chickens may see it and pull it out of the vent. Give the calcium orally daily for a few days to a week. I am not familiar with Baicalin, but the above meds should help. Testing is the best way to know for sure if your hen has MG. Here is some reading about it:
https://extension.umd.edu/sites/extension.umd.edu/files/2022-04/FS-1008 Recognizing and Preventing Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf
Ok so I gave her an epsom bath and took a few pics of her poop and her vent afterwards. I was giving her so far the tsp dosage of Tylan, hopefully didn't cause a problem, she seemed to choke even though the syringe was past the trachea into her throat. Today she moved very little and I don't understand why but some days I see foam in her eye, some don't or maybe tiny couple bubbles. Note that the foam is not throughout the day, but maybe 3-4 moments???? In the pics her back is baldy and I'm not sure if she's molting, but definitely she's not bullied. I didn't use a Q-Tip on her ears to check if the head shaking has to do with it. I cracked the tablet of calcium-D3 to make it easier for her, which it was. Also I added apple cider vinegar with mother, 1tbs per gallon to help her. Here's the pics. The 2 poop is with a few minutes difference and that's how she poops for about 2 weeks now.


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Baicalin is the active compound in Chinese Skullcap. It has some pretty comprehensive clinical studies showing it is effective against MG, Avian Flu and
Marek's Disease. It's not a cure, it's a viable treatment that supports the immune system and actively suppresses the viruses. I know MG is a bacteria, but they tested against it in some of the studies and had success.

Better yet, it's non-reactive to antibiotics. So it's addition to Treatment augments a broad spectrum antibiotic.
Ok so I gave her an epsom bath and took a few pics of her poop and her vent afterwards. I was giving her so far the tsp dosage of Tylan, hopefully didn't cause a problem, she seemed to choke even though the syringe was past the trachea into her throat. Today she moved very little and I don't understand why but some days I see foam in her eye, some don't or maybe tiny couple bubbles. Note that the foam is not throughout the day, but maybe 3-4 moments???? In the pics her back is baldy and I'm not sure if she's molting, but definitely she's not bullied. I didn't use a Q-Tip on her ears to check if the head shaking has to do with it. I cracked the tablet of calcium-D3 to make it easier for her, which it was. Also I added apple cider vinegar with mother, 1tbs per gallon to help her. Here's the pics. The 2 poop is with a few minutes difference and that's how she poops for about 2 weeks now.


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Please post photos of her, her face/eye, her poop.

Did she expel the membrane or not?
You noticed blood on the vent - she's had a collapsed membrane and a difficult time expelling it from what I can understand. I would surmise that the blood is from the difficulties she's been having over the last day or so with the egg, not Coccidiosis.

Take time to read the article linked below, so you can safely give oral medications.

Tylan 50 dose is 0.25ml per pound of weight given orally 3 times a day for 5 days in a row. It's an excellent antibiotic used to treat bacterial and bacterial-like respiratory infections like Mycoplasma. If you have started treatment, then I'd finish the course.

You will still need to flush the eye and apply your ointment as suggested in your other thread.

Any lesions or canker or mucous inside the beak?

Check her for lice and mites while you are taking care of her to make sure they are not a problem.

If her crop is not emptying overnight, then let us know.

And yes, continue with the Calcium with D3 for 5 days.

Ok so I gave her an epsom bath and took a few pics of her poop and her vent afterwards. I was giving her so far the tsp dosage of Tylan, hopefully didn't cause a problem, she seemed to choke even though the syringe was past the trachea into her throat. Today she moved very little and I don't understand why but some days I see foam in her eye, some don't or maybe tiny couple bubbles. Note that the foam is not throughout the day, but maybe 3-4 moments???? In the pics her back is baldy and I'm not sure if she's molting, but definitely she's not bullied. I didn't use a Q-Tip on her ears to check if the head shaking has to do with it. I cracked the tablet of calcium-D3 to make it easier for her, which it was. Also I added apple cider vinegar with mother, 1tbs per gallon to help her. Here's the pics. The 2 poop is with a few minutes difference and that's how she poops for about 2 weeks now.


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Tylan dosage is fairly forgiving. Dosage is 0.25 ml per pound, or about 1.25 ml for a 5 pound hen 3-4 times a day for up to 5 days.. Sorry for my error in dosage earlier, but Tylan can be given as much as 40 mg per Kg 3-4 times a day, so no problem there. Tylosin (Tylan generic) powder for the water dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water if you ever use that.

I had a hen once who had foam in her eyes at times, then later in the day nothing. It seemed to happen in cold weather. If you should ever lose a bird with symptoms, or even just an unknown cause, your state vet can do a necropsy to do testing and make a diagnosis. That is how some people find out they have a bird or a flock positive for mycoplasma gallisepticum or MG. Most people don’t get tested though. You can then either treat with antibiotics or not. Some cull birds with symptoms to limit exposure. But if you see the symptoms, it is responsible to close your flock.
She's a bit swollen like she may have fluid in the abdomen, but sometimes it's hard to tell.

For the crop, feel of it tonight when she goes to bed (roost), then again first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink. The crop should be flat/empty in the morning, if it's not, then read the article below.
Very often, a crop will be slow or not empty very well when a hen is having reproductive problems. Hopefully she will come around and straighten out and the issues will be resolved for a period of time.

As for the bare back, she's being plucked and/or mounted. It's not uncommon to see that, especially if you have a rooster. She's got some new feathers coming in, but the ones that are broken won't be replaced until she molts.


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