EMERGENCY - Lethargic after Fluid Draining

This morning was incredibly frustrating. Ruby was perked up, but not feeling well. I brought her outside (thinking being with her friends would motivate her to drink and eat) and the whole flock was subdued from the 50°, breezy, dewy, overcast morning. Ruby did some sitting, as did the others, and also walked around gingerly (with her tail up,) pecking at the ground, but not consuming anything.

When I was about to leave for work, I made a last-minute decision to try tubing fluids. It takes a bit to get the pedialyte warmed up and get everything set up. I got that done and set up an outdoor treatment area under a patio heater. Got Ruby wrapped and positioned. Unfortunately, I had already had coffee. When I have a combo of caffeine and adrenaline, my handles tremble terribly. I attempted three times to tube, unsuccessfully. She fought me hard, which I’m sure was exhausting. I let her enjoy the heat for a minute, told her I loved her, stroked her gently and put her back in the run. Thankfully, Ruby found a sunny spot (the sun had FINALLY poked through) and laid down with her tail down. I plan to go check things out at lunch and tube fluids at that time, if she seems weak, and my hands won’t be trembling. So frustrating. I’m an idiot. Poor Ruby.
:hugs :hugs

I meant to hit post on this hug above this morning! I'm just now seeing I did not.
I’m glad Ruby had a good day yesterday. Today was NOT good. She didn’t really drink or eat, and isolated most of the day. I’m not going to tube her, as I think we’ve done everything we can for her. She went to bed an hour early in a nest box with her face in a corner. Beside Millie, who is broody and her bestie.

We had a nice, long lap cuddle, which has never happened before. I think sweet Ruby has given up. My lovely. She has fought valiantly.
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I just read through this post, I just want you to know that you have done everything you possibly could for her. Not a lot of people would go so far as to tube, and do vet checks. She is so lucky to have you as her mom, had she been with any other chicken owner she may have not made it nearly this far. She is so lucky, and you have made such a difference in her life. She knows she is loved.
I'm so sorry your going through this, its so hard loosing a hen you have fought so hard for. You made that difference. :hugs:hugs
Thank you. I thought I might come home to a dead bird or one in distress. However, Ruby surprised me and was quite alert when I got home. She was still sitting up by the nest boxes with my broody, Millie. It seemed she had been there all day. I let the flock out to free range, took Millie out of her nest, and then very gently took Ruby out, too. She seems very weak and fragile.

Ruby walked slowly and gingerly, but did not head right back into the coop. Realizing today is not her day to leave us, I ran inside to look for something to spark her appetite. I thawed some raspberries and put them in water (hoping she’d get some sips going after the raspberries) and stole some super worms from DH, who has a couple reptiles. Ruby ate the super worms! The flock saw the berries too soon for her to get a chance at them (she has always shy’d away from the food crowd, even when well.) I put a large pet bowl of water near her and she drank a fair bit! I also put out wet feed, but don’t think she touched it. That’s ok; it’s the hydration I was worried about most. I kept putting bowls in her vicinity and she drank and drank. She took a loooong rest on the grass, but at least she was outside with her sisters. I put a bowl of diluted, clear pedialyte in her path and she drank a little bit of that, too.

Ruby went to bed an hour early, but she did go to a roost and not a nest box. I’m not sure where this is headed, but I hope she feels better after a night’s rest with hydration. It would be great if she could have a spell of feeling good before she declines again. I’d like her to experience feeling good with all that fluid removed. I think in the morning I’ll put bowls of water out, in addition to their regular water founts. I might add some chick saver to a couple of them.

I think even if Ruby improves, this will be her last hurrah. If she wants to live, I will help her. If she gives up, I will let her go. At this point, I think “forcing” her to live would be cruel. Of course, I hope she wants to live. ❤️

Here she is with some of her sisters tonight. I didn’t want to disturb her, so kept my distance for the photo. Ruby is sitting by the tree.


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