Emergency Please Read?!?!


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
So I'm at my in-laws and one of their 5 or so week old chicks was hiding in some tall weeds and a young kid that's here visiting with his parents stepped on it! He scalped it from the base of it head on the rear and over the top! The piece I still held on by the front portion! Is their anything I can do to save it?!?! Can I hold the skin down and wrap it or anything?!?!
What is the chick doing? Is there a lot of blood? You could try neosporin, but if it is too bad & the chick is in a lot of pain, I would cull, and quickly.
Oh NO!!!! My basic wound care is clean wound with iodine shampoo, triple antibiotic ointment, keep it warm, keep hydrated, do whatever to help it be comfortable...so sorry for the little chick! I'm sure someone else will chime in with additional advice. Good luck!
Lay the piece of skin back over the defecit and try to secure it with a bit of sellotape or a sticking plaster might be better than nothing, some of it will depend on how good the blood supply is to the skin flap and how much movement is under the area as to whether it will take or not but anything is worth a go at this stage. Also if it's a 'do or die' situation you could always try super glue as this is actually developed from initially being used as tissue glue in hospitals. Surgeons found that it wasn't just tissue that it stuck together! I am not sure if this would really sting though so as previously stated I would only use this if it really was 'do or die'.
I really hope you get some help, best of luck.
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x2 if you don't have betadine, clean running water and some very light soap suds. Just get it cleanneosporin works great, just make sure it's not the pain relief kind with local anesthetic. You can wrap the chick with some gauze if you have it. You can probably save the little chick. Good luck!
I would use a mild salt solution rather than anything more agressive as you could do more harm than good to a delicate piece of skin. If its not contaminated with debris then I really wouldn't mess about with it, just try and secure it down as best as you can and hope for the best.
1/4 tsp noniodized table salt in 1 cup boiling water. Let it cool use that to rinse the wound. I would then lay the skin on the best possible way and wrap in coban(vet wrap), not to tight, want it to be able to eat and drink without issue.
I would also give pedialyte and polyvisol(without iron). And would increase protein, like boiled egg yolks and yogurt,
Keep it warm and quiet.
Well all, I did all I could with what I had available... I washed it out, dried it, and used super glue to secure the skin back... Seems like the only part that she had a complaint about was the water! She seems fine, just a little worn out, hopefully she'll recover! They're going to isolate her and see if they can nurse her back to health! Only time will tell! Thank you all for the wonderful responses!!!!
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I would use a mild salt solution rather than anything more agressive as you could do more harm than good to a delicate piece of skin. If its not contaminated with debris then I really wouldn't mess about with it, just try and secure it down as best as you can and hope for the best.

x2 Normal saline. 1 tsp salt a pinch of baking soda to 1 quart of water. Put it in a squeeze bottle and gently rinse.

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