Emerging Primaries and pokey leading edges of wings?

Mine did not correct in the first 48 hours. I had to wrap her every night for several nights to make any progress. Don't give up yet. I also did not have any luck seeing any progress until the primaries were grown out a bit. I just think it's too hard to get the little nubs to lay down the way you want them to when wrapping. I'll look for some old pics I took.
notice the little nubs. . they were sticking straight up :eek:
here is what they looked like about the time I started wrapping her up every night. I was too afraid to leave it on her all day. . so I only wrapped her at night and kept her isolated in a tote.
well I can't get all my pictures to load up to show you my duck in hose. . but here is a pic I believe miss Lydia showed me when I was going through this.
For me the panty hose alone wouldn't hold them in place. I had to vet wrap. . then hose so she couldn't pull off the vet wrap. And it had to be fairly tight too or she managed to get her feet under the hose and pull it all off. :th
and here she is now. . showing the side that didn't fully correct. It at least doesn't stick out really, but it folds over the speculum instead of under. I think when she molts and loses her primaries I may try again and see if it would work. It's not hurting her at all its just cosmetic. But she's so pretty I would love to see it fixed. :love
Interesting.trouble your vet told you it was caused from too much protein?
Also I was under the impression that Angel wing was a joint deformity. . did he explained what the difference is then?

Not quite.... angel wing isn't a deformity, but the joint being twisted the wrong direction...

And yes, I believe angel wing is definitely a genetic issue rather than high protein caused... issues with high protein is generally at higher levels than most think, very high 20's to 30's... reason so many believe lowering protein corrects the issue is that they wrap it (which corrects it) THEN feed lower protein... and it doesn't reoccur... well, if it is corrected properly, it *doesn't* reoccur...

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it was not fixed. They poke out a bit after 48 hours of wrap.

Go figure. I think I am going to try and wrap it some more. The rehab person said they did all they could. Not sure I am going to accept it, maybe bad rehab days for that person. Guess, I need to give my try at wrapping again, which I suck at.

I am kind of confused as I see ducks on youtube with obvious BAD angel wing getting corrected at older ages than this female. So what give? Anyone? Bueller? Chickens Really?

I don't know why they only recommended 24-48 hrs... angel wing usually takes a few days to correct... 5-7 days is the avg, worse cases, longer... wrap and leave 24/7 for at least 5 days, then recheck... or for a week...

Just another side note... some ducklings wingtips just stick out as their flight feathers start growing... sometimes it is angel wing, sometimes not... some just need time for their muscles to catch up to the extra weight and adjust to the new length, etc... hard to tell sometimes what is and is not angel wing...
Not quite.... angel wing isn't a deformity, but the joint being twisted the wrong direction...

And yes, I believe angel wing is definitely a genetic issue rather than high protein caused... issues with high protein is generally at higher levels than most think, very high 20's to 30's... reason so many believe lowering protein corrects the issue is that they wrap it (which corrects it) THEN feed lower protein... and it doesn't reoccur... well, if it is corrected properly, it *doesn't* reoccur...

I don't know why they only recommended 24-48 hrs... angel wing usually takes a few days to correct... 5-7 days is the avg, worse cases, longer... wrap and leave 24/7 for at least 5 days, then recheck... or for a week...

Just another side note... some ducklings wingtips just stick out as their flight feathers start growing... sometimes it is angel wing, sometimes not... some just need time for their muscles to catch up to the extra weight and adjust to the new length, etc... hard to tell sometimes what is and is not angel wing...
So then my next question is. . if it IS a deformity and not actually Angel wing could wrapping it still be effective?
So then my next question is. . if it IS a deformity and not actually Angel wing could wrapping it still be effective?

Might, don't know until it's tried... and might need longer time wrapped up...

Not wrapping it or trying anything to correct it, definitely won't correct it though... and wrapping isn't invasive, just uncomfortable for them for a bit...

Btw, after a few days of being wrapped, the wings will be a bit stiff after unwrapping, so don't be concerned if they can't fully extend them to flap properly right away...
View attachment 1270370 and here she is now. . showing the side that didn't fully correct. It at least doesn't stick out really, but it folds over the speculum instead of under. I think when she molts and loses her primaries I may try again and see if it would work. It's not hurting her at all its just cosmetic. But she's so pretty I would love to see it fixed. :love

Well, it gives me hope to see your work.

I held my little angel wing girl tonight and was going to wrap her, but while I had her incoming flight feathers tucked under, I can feel the deformity in the wing tip, it is not in the flight feathers themselves, the wing tip is turned outward due to something structural near the joint, like a split in the joint, wish I had an xray. It hurt her when I first tucked the outward bound feathers (most likely because she was just unwrapped a few hours ago) and I spent some time talking and massaging her gently.

Well, she tucked her bill under my hand and closed her eyes and went to sleep. She would murmur every now and then, I took that as happy. i decided to just enjoy the next 30 minutes of holding her and then let her have tonight off and tomorrow in the pond with her sibs. She has been gone since Friday, so she needs a day as the fact that she fell asleep in my hands after a bit tells me she was really stressed.

I am just hoping it is early enough, 6 weeks now, it is ok with both my wife and I if she is a little different. I will try something tomorrow night and isolate her with wire mesh so she can see her mates.

I am really glad she is back.
Might, don't know until it's tried... and might need longer time wrapped up...

Not wrapping it or trying anything to correct it, definitely won't correct it though... and wrapping isn't invasive, just uncomfortable for them for a bit...

Btw, after a few days of being wrapped, the wings will be a bit stiff after unwrapping, so don't be concerned if they can't fully extend them to flap properly right away...

How do i wrap it? i am so tired right now, and I just put her back down. I will do anything.

I tried wrapping her, but she struggles so, it is why I called a vet and had a rehab person take her as my wraps were not staying put. She was wrapped from friday until today. Originally i was told 2 days. I just got her back at 4pm today.

On edit, so I need to wrap her for 4 more days 24/7. Wow, her siblings all go to the pond. Wonder if i can keep them in for a week. lol.

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