Emotionally weak - pet ducks

That I can't say but evidently she needs the calcium or something else is going on with her reproductive trac. If your giving her 250mgs a day go up again to 3/4 tab for a week and see if that makes any difference.

What are you feeding now?


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Some birds just are different and lay soft shelled eggs. They may not be normal but that is just how they are.
If your duck is a pet, and you are doing your best for her, and she still lays soft shelled eggs - just enjoy her as your pet and accept that that is what she does.

My brother had a flock of chickens and one almost always laid a soft shelled egg. She ate etc just like the rest, it was just how she was.

You may just have to accept that that is what she does if you still want to keep her - like a special needs child.
She was a perfect layer before. She laid every single day. Couple of weeks now is where all the trouble has come. It’s definetly not about the eggs. I’m worried of her health. I know she’s getting better these days and I trust she’ll get back to normal. I want the best for her in health and happiness. Thanks for sharing:)
My ducks will pant and strain if having egg troubles. an extra 100 mg Calcium citrate, a tablespoon of good quality, small cat kibble with Vitamin D, and a quarter teaspoon of turneric or more per cup of food is what I would give for at least a few weeks.

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