Emu pictures and stories.... post them here

This is Ella swimming with her pet goose General Gau last week when it was eighty degrees.

mine keep destroying their pools...

I've tried telling them what they are missing out on.. and as soon as they get a new pool they put big holes in it...
Today my emu made me laugh so hard with her antics, Ella and her goose live in my horse barn and they go out together everyday and come in at night, we''l today the goose needed to lay an egg before it went out to play and Ella was not very understanding about this, she kept coming in and out of the barn grunting at the goose and pecking on her head. finally she laid down in front of the goose and just kept prodding her and pestering her til she finally laid her egg, then they both went running out together. Later on when it was time to come in Ella kept stomping around the barn grunting loudly, my husband said whats her problem, and then we noticed he had put 2 hay bales where she likes to sleep, I moved the bales and she laid right down and starting grooming and getting ready to sleep. This has got to be the funniest animal I have ever had!
I have observed and tamed four generations of this alpha-emu family. Here is Uno Chick,the tamest ever:


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