Encouraging free range


6 Years
Apr 6, 2013
Help! My chickens will not "free range". They were previously caged chickens & I can't get them to leave the garage area. There is pastureland and barn behind house, but they will not go away from hen house or house. No predetors in sight. Had these birds about 2 weeks. Any suggestions?”
Carry them out and put them in the grass? My new chicks when it came for them to free range they wouldn't leave there coop, but after taking them out a couple of days they got use to it and came out by them selves. I hope that helps!
It may take them quite some time. They are still fairly new to you and coming from a caged situation it's going to take them some time to feel comfortable in so much open space.
Restrict the volume of feed they are provided in the garage area. Tomorrow provide a feeding station about 30 feet in the direction you want them to go. Each day move the feeding station an additional 30 feet or so in desired direction.

You statement of no predators is not likely to be accurate and birds are hardwired to prefer cover. If desired area is too open you will be challenged in getting birds to forage it.
It's only been two weeks. They'll likely expand their range on their own, it will just take time. Chickens are well aware they're prey, and won't take your word for it there's nothing waiting to eat them for dinner.
Similar suggestion to one already suggested....sprinkle a little scratch out at the edge of the space they are using and then sprinkle a little more a few feet farther out. See how that works, in a few more days you could sprinkle a bit even farther out.

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