Erratic Egg Laying - Buff Orpington


5 Years
Feb 19, 2017
Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I posted anything. :)

I live in Southern California. It is May 23. I have only two chickens--a year and a few months old. An Easter Egger and a Buff Orpington. In Winter at their lowest, the EE lays 3 in a row and takes a day off. The BO lays 4 in a row and takes a day off. Summer, the EE lays 5 to 6 in a row and takes a day off and the BO lays 3 weeks to a month before taking a day off.

The BO has not laid an egg for three days now. Before that it was erratic. 2 days then off. One day then off (this is happening in the last few weeks). No change in food for a long time: There are layer feed pellets readily available to both of them(it is organic and contains oyster shell and higher amt of protein) She is not broody. She does not appear to be sick and eats regularly. I give them about three to four tablespoons of fermented feed everyday in the morning (whole barley, whole wheat, whole oat, field peas mixture with about a 1/2 tsp of coconut oil). They get treats during the day-total of about a handful of organic rolled oats and mealworms or rarely the heel of a loaf of bread. They free range and water is supplied (I change it out every 3 days and wash the containers then) Her poo looks normal however there is less poo in the morning under her in the coop and today was the first time there was none at all. She came out and immediately dropped a HUGE one! LOL! She is not molting that I can see (do they molt in May?) She is not lethargic. They take dust baths everyday. I grow barley and wheat grass from seed for them to eat (I don't have a lot of grass in my backyard)

I'm stumped as to why she is not laying eggs and worried she is sick and I just don't see it. EE is totally laying normally.

It has been overcast here in SoCal the last 3 days and about 15 degrees cooler but still, its not even a winter schedule for her.

The only other thing is that the EE was being bullied from the fermented feed in the morning (about two weeks ago) the EE didn't lay for two days. So when I started to give them the morning fermented feed in two bowls, the EE got more food and she started to lay again. So this is a small change made recently about a week ago. I have observed them eating and the BO can't peck her away from the food because the EE now goes to the other bowl. The bowls are not too far apart as I know they are social eaters.

What else should I look for? Do you think the two bowls are enough of a change to cause this amount of stress?

Thanks in advance for your chicken experience and help!
Most hens aren't that consistent, especially going into the second season of laying. It's normal to be inconsistent more than it's normal to be consistent.

I personally would make sure your hens have free access to a good quality higher protein ration to optimize laying. Often by the second season they will get deficient if their diet hasn't been the best. Hens need a minimum of 16% protein daily. Hard to say what yours are getting as I'm not familiar with what you are feeding. Could be she just needs more of a ration with a good protein content to get back on track. Free choice is always best.
This is the feed since they were layers:
It has 16.2% protein but I have been supplementing daily with treats like mealworms. Like you, I also thought it could be more protein so the last two weeks I have been adding about 30grams cooked pork or beef or a hard boiled egg along with the mealworms during the day.

Will look into the Free choice but prefer pellets.

Believe it or not, I have actually documented every single egg each of my hens laid - even how much each one weighs in grams! (Yes I'm crazy) My hens are pretty predictable so far but as you said, most can not be at anytime esp going into the 2nd year so will wait and see. Will update when her cycle starts up again or if something happens.

Thanks so much for responding, I appreciate your wisdom! :)
Hopefully she fires back up. My buff Orpingtons lay for a while and quit for a while, though they are more consistent the younger they are. With the increase in temperatures I will usually see a drop in production. With only 2 hens I might keep track too of what I was getting too.

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