Ethics of releasing quail into the wild.

[[[[[.........."Great for release, ........]]]]]]

I suspect that is politely saying they are suitable for release for hunting clubs. ie raised in flight cages. Not meaning they are for naturalizing.
I have 40 Quail that I purchased from a friend, and I plan on releasing some of their young. We already have 2 coveys of Quail on our 120 acre farm of which we keep 30 percent in native grass's and wooded areas. One of the coveys has been here 3 years and the other has been here 5 years.
I have Tennessee Reds and the regular Bob White Quail in my group. So this post really helped me out. All the other post I have seen said they would not survive in the wild.

I will continue feeding and sheltering them in our back pasture (directly behind our home). All winter if it takes it to get them through. Also, we have 6 farm dogs that keep the coyotes at a distance from our cattle, chickens and guineas on our farm. Our dogs are used to all types of birds, and will not chase them. So hoping the quail will stay in this area. The wild Coveys are in another pasture....a good distance from our home.

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