
Would you be using 22 shorts, or standard rounds? It's been my experience that 22 rounds love to ricochet off stuff real easy and a chicken is a rather small mass to have to tackle. I could see even an off the shelf standard 22 long going right through and then where? If we are talking in the back of the barn / open / wooded area that'd be one thing but if you put it down in your backyard with the neighbors house 40 feet away, hmmm. I wonder in a case like this caging the animal first so that it's kind of limited and controlled where it's head is / the shot will end up landing at.

On the benzo's to sedate the chicken, I wonder what an Ambien would do? Not sure if they fall in the same category of benzo's or not, but another I guess you could say, fairly common drug people use.

Electricity was brought up. It'd be dangerous, but so would a gun, but what if you put 240 volts across it's head? That should kill it right off should it not? it should certainly destroy the brain, which is what we are aiming for so that pain is not felt right?

When we use a gun, we hold the bird by the legs and lay it on the grpund. It stays pretty darn still
Hold it by the legs... OH. so you use the chickens ON / Off Switch :p
Ive noticed that when you snatch them up by the legs they pretty much stop everything they are doing and behave very nicely. Good way of controlling the bird too. TY for the input


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