Ever eat your husbands cooking?


Quiet as a Church Mouse
14 Years
Dec 19, 2009
Southwest TN
I let my dear hubby cook today. He put a roast in the crock pot...and a half gallon of hot sauce!! Buffaloed beef roast...mmmmmmmmmmmm! Heartburn Central
At least it is the night I have a bunch of quail hatching and will be up anyway..LOL! Even the potatoes were tangy
Are ya gonna feel like this later tonight????:

My DH is a wonderful cook. He does like things a lot hotter than I do, but he tones it down for me. He'll usually just adds his hot pepper sauce to his food once it's on his plate.
I just wish he would cook more often!

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Hmmm.... Mac & Cheese (from a blue box) Ramen noodles , that's about it.

Nope, do not eat his cooking. Does all the other stuff outside though. Mow, trash, fixing everything. We have a great thing going. He does "his" jobs and I do "mine" Been together 17 yrs now. Not even close to done yet.
I've felt like that since I ate!!! No antacids in the house either...gonna be a long night..it is funny though because he knows I use hot sauce to tenderize, but it cooks out, he just got WAYYY too much in there!! The potatoes soaked it up too...but the meat was definately tender
hahah Cindyloohoo... sounds like something my hubby would call 'delicious!'...

But he is learning... Here is my hubby's list of dinners!

- Fry up (eggs, bacon and anything else greasy he can find, usually with some fried chips!)
- Spaghetti bolognese (because I don't like it muych... so if he doesnt cook it.. he doesnt get it as often as he wants!!!)
- 2 minute noodles
- Beef stew (following a recipe his chef friend gave to him)

for a man who could not cook at all when we first met (10 years ago) ... I am quite proud!!
My dh really sucks at cookine, he can make Krappy Dinner, frozen foods and soup from a mix ,cold cereal too!
I've felt like that since I ate!!! No antacids in the house either...gonna be a long night..it is funny though because he knows I use hot sauce to tenderize, but it cooks out, he just got WAYYY too much in there!! The potatoes soaked it up too...but the meat was definately tender

Try drinking milk...not fat free though

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