Ever had a chicken surprise you by laying?


8 Years
Jul 26, 2011
I got 4 eggs from my 20 week old pullets today. I was expecting the three brown eggs, but was totally blown away when I found this greenish-bluish egg under my coop.

I guess that means my Easter Egger is laying! She has not been showing any signs of readiness. Her comb is tiny and barely pink, no squatting, nada.

That egg had to come from the Easter Egger, right? I have all brown layers plus one EE, a Silver Lakenvelder (supposed to lay white eggs), and a Salmon Faverolle ("tinted" eggs, whatever that means). Based on the signs, the Easter Egger is the bird I least expected to come next into lay. Crazy.

Ever had a bird who didn't show any signs of being ready start laying?
No, mine all started the egg squat before laying, I have one who still hasn't laid and has been squating just as long as one of the others who is laying.
Very pretty eggs, and I would say that looks like an EE egg!
No, mine all started the egg squat before laying, I have one who still hasn't laid and has been squating just as long as one of the others who is laying.
Very pretty eggs, and I would say that looks like an EE egg!

That's frustrating! Lay, baby, lay!

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