Ever had a cracked tooth?


9 Years
Jun 20, 2010
South Carolina
If you have, and you had it repaired and not pulled, how was it repaired? Filled and capped? (I assume it depends on if it's really cracked instead of crazed and how deep.) I'm pretty sure one of my teeth cracked Sunday afternoon. It already had a cavity and I guess it just couldn't take anymore. I have a dentist appointment for Tuesday morning. Fortunately I am not in any real pain unless I try to chew on that side of my mouth.

I realize it would probably be cheaper to have it pulled, but if it can be saved, then I want it saved. I've neglected my teeth for far too long and now I am paying the price, in more ways than one. *sigh* It's my own fault.
I had the side of my tooth crack off (it had been filled for years), and they filled the cavity, ground it down to a nub, and then put a cap on it. Amazing how it looks like a real tooth, and it wasn't painful.
I broke the corner off of one of my molars last year. It was not painful even though it was a noticeable chunk. I was afraid I would need a crown, however my dentist just rebuilt the missing section and I can't even tell where it was. It was very reasonable in price too ~ about the same as a regular filling.
I just had one repaired in Feb - there was quite a bit gone, so I had to get a crown. They're expensive, but look and feel great once they're done.
If the tooth is sensitive to cold or heat the dentist may want to do a root canal. Otherwise a crown may be applied.

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