Ever Heard of this complaint?

I sell my eggs out the back door, LOL. A sign at the end of the drive, and I have had some steady customers for a few months now. I had one lady come up a month or so ago, seemed real nice, bought a dozen eggs, we chatted, and off she went.
She was back two days later with the 9 remaining eggs from her dozen. Said she wanted a refund because my eggs were "blighted." (I kid you not) She was so upset, I had her come into the house and got a bowl and cracked an egg into it from her dozen.
She said, see, right there, look at that awful little spot on the yolk. It IS blighted.
I explained it wasn't blighted, it was simply a fertile egg. She was even more horrified that people would buy a fertile egg and actually eat it.
At this point I refunded her money, apologized for the "misunderstanding" and walked her out the back door.

People ARE too bizarre.
I had one lady tell me the same thing. Said that people wouldn't buy my eggs if I had a rooster because of the "blood spot". I'm of the firm belief that only smart people deserve to eat my eggs anyway, so that just weeds 'em out!
I get the same thing. Our pullets are not old enough to lay yet, but my brother in law laughed and said he will never eat a fresh egg because they are too yellow.
Oh well for him. I am glad that my dh does not have the same thoughts as his brother.
Tell them to go to the grocery store and buy the less vitamin and nutrient packed eggs in the cooler and leave your good ones for someone who appreciates them and knows good eggs when they see em.
Well, yesterday I just heard the new high on egg ingorance from my idiot son-in-law. He wanted to know if they sell eggs without yolks, because he doesn't really like them.
I told him he probably wouldn't be wanting any of my beautiful deep yellow-yolked eggs when I start getting them in September! That's okay with me. It just means there will be more for moi!
Then I suggested he buy those lovely Egg-Beaters!
Maybe your Son in Law's mind will change after he eats one of your eggs. My kids couldn't stand the yolks, but in the fresh eggs all three eat the yolk first!

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