Evergreen Creek Farms: Blog and updates! *Daily Updates*

Update: 9-29-13-10-2-13
Sorry that I haven't been doing an update in a while, I kept forgetting :p Anyways, the turkeys got butchered Sunday and two Ameraucana/Barred Plymouth Rock/Rhode Island Red roosters. Our tom turkeys weighed about 40 lbs packaged and all!
It's been raining so much here lately that I'm not letting my bantams out of the coop 'cause I have a frizzle and a silkie and stuff and they don't do well with rain :/ Also, the apples and pears are getting ripe in our orchard! :D :D :D

Update: 9-29-13-10-2-13
Sorry that I haven't been doing an update in a while, I kept forgetting :p Anyways, the turkeys got butchered Sunday and two Ameraucana/Barred Plymouth Rock/Rhode Island Red roosters. Our tom turkeys weighed about 40 lbs packaged and all!
It's been raining so much here lately that I'm not letting my bantams out of the coop 'cause I have a frizzle and a silkie and stuff and they don't do well with rain :/ Also, the apples and pears are getting ripe in our orchard! :D :D :D

Hey, been busy. Here's a update :)
Not to much going on around the farm, mainly I'm just feeding my photography obsession with my new camera I got a few weeks ago. I've taken soooooo many pictures :p. I'm pretty sure that my three chicks are all roosters, which sucks :/ I took a look at my Stacy's (White Leghorn) eye, and I'm positive she's blind. Her eye is usually closed but I opened it and it appeared to have a large white spot in the middle. I'm not sure how she got blind, it's so weird. I'm deducing that it had to do with her prolapse or something.

Stacy, my White Leghorn.

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