Every now and then she surprises me with an odd shaped egg!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 19, 2009
I have a pair of black & white polish crested chickens. He is very smart and well groomed but she always looks like she's having a bad hair day - think he needs additions to his harem!

She lays very neat white eggs, maybe 3 a week on average. Yesterday I got the smallest cutest egg I've ever seen! A perfect miniature! The size of a quail's egg! They are usually slightly smaller than the run of the mill egg but this is just darling!
(Think she was disturbed mid-egg!)

We had a thunder storm a while back and she layed a longer narrower egg!
OOOOhhhh matron!

See my page for new photos of Polish Crested Chickens and eggs!
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thats so cool! i think you'll have to start taking pics of all her wierd eggs to share! my duck lays an egg every day, always white and egg shaped or stepped on and squished. haha
I've had a few eggs like that, looked like little robin eggs
I agree, catalog all her strange-shaped eggs! It would make an awesome album.

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