Everyone ready for the switch to DTV on Friday?

I have to go buy our boxes tonight, since our coupons expire today.

We just tried getting Dish last month, but we have too many trees in the way. Sucks.

Those transition commercials were starting to drive me crazy back in January!
we are DREADING it.. man... we are one of those laggers who got old school tv... not as bad as rabbit ears but on occasion we've sent the least reliable dog out there with a tin foil hat to improve the reception...


for us dtv sucks... its either on or off.... with analog we could at least see the 'snow' and the storm center team screaming at us to run for the basement on account of the tornado comin' straight at us. now all i'll get is a blue screen and the oldest dog wettin' on the carpet (true story)

You know, the government can't fix a lot of things, but TV, well, that's super important to them. They surely must make sure that all Americans have digital television. As for our real problems and issues, well, those can wait. TV, now that's important. On that right away. Our tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks, Congress.

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