Excel spreadsheet for tracking expenses and income from chickens

XXX just means the column isn't wide enough. Click on the column header and make it bigger, you'll see your numbers then. Can't help with the hatch rate, though.
I would like a copy.
This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing it. But now I'm afraid to use it - I don't sell my eggs or make any money on my chickens what so ever. My husband already says each egg we get costs us $250 a piece - I'm afraid this spreadsheet will verify it! I just won't share what I learn with him

Thanks again!
keep those issues coming. My wife will be back next week and she can look at the comments and go from there. Thanks for the feedback. If any one has the new 2007 version of Excel and want it that is what the program is written in and when the file gets converted it seems to have issues.
thanks, Steve

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