Excel spreadsheet for tracking expenses and income from chickens

The advanced one sounds perfect for us. Could I have a copy when you have an opportunity?

Thanks so much,
thank you so much that is cool i am so excited to sttart usen it. I would also like to see the other when you guy's get to sending it out to
you wife is awsome this is so cool, thank you for taking the time to share this with every one.

from Tyler
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my wife will be back home on Friday. I will try to get her to do a little more work on the advanced copy. We are almost back to normal after her Grandfather dying. She is working on the reporting section to make it printable. It is much larger than the old program and had to be broken down into multiple pages.
thanks, STeve
So very sorry for your loss... When possible and she feels up to it, I would also like a copy. I am fairly computer illiterate and haven't a clue how to create something that useful. It would definitely help!! How extremely nice of you to offer!
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's alway hard to lose a loved one. When you are up to it and ready, I'd love to have a copy. It will make keeping track of my daughters 4-H breeding program soooo much easier. Thanks a million, in advance. And again I'm sorry for your loss.
ok, my wife got the program done. I will mass mail it to everyone already on the list. let me know if there are running issues. I converted it to 03 version of Excel. Last time we did this there were issues. Just post any problems here on this thread. There are almost 100 people now on the list. The new program is more detailed. I get scared just looking at all the red ink on it after I really figure out how much the chickens cost.
I hope it works out.
later, STeve

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