Excuses Excuses Excuses!

HAHAHAHA! I am sooo glad I am not the only one. My love and I stay home all the time - he traveled as security for a very BIG name hair band in the 80's and developed a real NEED for a home, and I didn't have a steady one growing up so we LOVE to be home alone. Not travel much, just us, our animals and computers.
like guppies..
I did that as a kid...

there were jars of water and fish everywhere..

I'm not kidding I HAVE to lay off the pain meds. I SWEAR I thought you were talking about Puppies!!!
It took me aq second to figure ou the correlation between puppies and water for fish......
That is my excuse for getting more animals, is that we're going to eat them!

That's why I got turkeys, pheasants, quail, and rabbits and why I want geese and ducks.

They'll only be here til they're big enough to eat, that is unless, I decide to keep them for breeding stock. It works. ANd the meat is fabulous!
well... momma don't ask she gets and thats that you know... but I live with momma and daddy so I only have so much room, that momma will let me use, but If I am nice I eventully get IT!!!!

edited to finish thought
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o comon you cant drop lil hints like 80's BIG hair band with out giving us a lil more to go on?...thats teasing...lol

and as for animals...DH lives by the words.."a happy wife is a happy life"...that and yes dear...lol
Well, my husband was the one that wanted chickens...and the dog...and he brought home our cat too...but I had to guilt-trip him into letting me order ducklings.
the policy is what happens on the road stays on the road....!!!..but thats cool

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