Extra Large Egg

That is a HUGE quail egg!!! Is it a double yolker?
That's a big one alright, I will be posting later tonight. I found a chicken sized egg inside my quail hutch.... ended up weighing 34 or 35g... had 1 yoke inside and full size egg and a yoke inside that... But I will defiantly post it tonight sometime.
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That's a big one alright, I will be posting later tonight. I found a chicken sized egg inside my quail hutch.... ended up weighing 34 or 35g... had 1 yoke inside and full size egg and a yoke inside that... But I will defiantly post it tonight sometime.
Poor quail who laid that egg!!!!
That is strange looking. I have seen a house sparrow egg like that, with an egg inside an egg, but it wasn't too much bigger than normal.

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