Eye crusted shut :(


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 15, 2009
Portland, OR
One of my hens (Ruby- my favorite!) woke up this morning with her eye crusted shut!! She seems to have nasal discharge as well. Two of my other hens have some sort of cough... do they just have a cold? what should I do?

I've given them yogurt for probiotics mixed with garlic and kelp. I also tried putting a warm compress on Ruby's eye but didn't seem to help. They are all eating and acting normal otherwise although it seems their egg production has slowed.

What else should I do?

It could be any number of respiratory diseases. They all have similar symptoms. For more info, see here http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044

of these type of diseases will spread within the flock. At the very least, you need to separate the sick birds. Even if the bird recovers, they may still be carriers for a very long time - sometimes for life. Personally, I would cull any bird with a respiratory disease.

Have you introduced any new birds recently? I will never add adult birds to my current flock as even a healthy looking bird can be a carrier.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, unfortunately I have introduced new birds to the flock who seemed healthy. Now I am paying the price, it seems.

I went to the local feed store and they gave me antibiotics and Sulmet to add to their water. I am trying to avoid culling for the time being- these hens are my pets- not just for egg production. I only have 6 hens so they probably all have it anyway.

Hopefully the meds work.

Thanks again.

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