Eye infection????

I'm gonna assume it was him, she ran and hid like had her head in a corner protecting it, that kinda tells me that it has happened before for her to do that???? I just don't know what to do now if he continues???
You talked about separating the boys from the girls so maybe try that and see what happens. The drakes can be rough on the girls that's a fact.
You talked about separating the boys from the girls so maybe try that and see what happens. The drakes can be rough on the girls that's a fact.

I did but can't do that until my 2 ducklings are a bit bigger. They are using my extra house. Never seen him act that way. He's not rough with my other girls. Idk I'll figure something out.
Try duck soup or something . Or if they're more like pets just put him by himself Somewhere else.

My 2 pekins are my favorites! Plus him and the other Drake are joined at the hip, they do everything together. I was outside a lot today, the drakes seem to be rough with my 3 6month olds, even tho they are MUCH bigger then my 2 older girls. So I'm gonna run another short fence in the run put my babies in a little bantham chicken coop that I have that no ones using. And put my 3 girls in my second duck house. Then my drakes will be with the 2 older girls, just like it was before. Lol I think I got all that right!!!
Welcome to BYC!

My 2 pekins are my favorites! Plus him and the other Drake are joined at the hip, they do everything together. I was outside a lot today, the drakes seem to be rough with my 3 6month olds, even tho they are MUCH bigger then my 2 older girls. So I'm gonna run another short fence in the run put my babies in a little bantham chicken coop that I have that no ones using. And put my 3 girls in my second duck house. Then my drakes will be with the 2 older girls, just like it was before. Lol I think I got all that right!!!
How are things going since you separated the boys? hows the eye looking?

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