Eye infections with Silkies?


Redneck Silkie
10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
I purchased 6 Silkies about a month ago. 2 whites, 2 blk, 1 blue and one partridge. With Silkies of course they have these tremendous top knots and you can't see their eyes. I look at them periodically, though not all of them at one time. But the other day I noticed one that really didn't seem to know where he(?) was. Today I looked at him closely and noticed that his eyes have crusted shut. I looked at one of the blks and saw that one eye was also crusted shut. I took them out and cleaned them thoroughly and gave them a haircut, but they really dont want to open their eyes. What is the cause of this, and what should I do?
. . . from this chart here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwhjQ6Yng877iz_JNiCN1IQ

. . . closed eyes is a symptom of Infectious Coryza. Do they have any of the other symptoms listed?

"In chicks 4 weeks and older- nasal discharge, facial swelling, one or both eyes closed. In growing and adult birds - swollen face, eyes, and sinuses; watery eyes with eyelids stuck together; foul-smelling discharge from nose; drop in feed and water consumption as well as egg production; diarrhea sometimes; wheezing. Progresses through flock varies from a few days to up to 3 months. Recovered birds are carriers."
I had the same thing happen to one of my silkies so I plucked the feathers around her eyes and gave her some eye drops called ciprofloxacin. It's an antibiotic. I got it at First State Vet Supply. Within a week, she didn't have any problems with her eyes.
There don't seem to be any other symptoms. Everything is fine. Poop is good, food and water consumption is good. No sneezing or anything that comes to mind. That would absolutely stink if these birds are contagious. I bought them from a reputable breeder. They are about 15 - 16 wks old.

I'll give the antibiotic eye drops if I can find them. They did seem better when I washed them and cut the feathers away from their eyes. Let's all pray it's nothing bad. All the other birds seem fine. They are in with 4 other Silkies that I purchased from the same place and 10 4 wk old chicks.
eye drops called ciprofloxacin. It's an antibiotic. I got it at First State Vet Supply

Did you need a prescription from a vet or is it sold through the mail?​

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