Eye Problem?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 30, 2008
I have a 1 year old buff wyandott rooster. His eyes are different colors. One eye is normal, its a redish yellow and pupil is regular and the other eye is a light green (almost like a young chick or chicken) and the pupil is tiny. He also acts like he can't see well out of the green eye. Whats wrong with his eyes? I don't know if this might be the cause of it but some coons got a hold of 3 chickens the night before and he was right next to them. Do you think because he heard them getting attacked might have cause it? Even though he wasnt attacked, he still got tramatized by all the noises and such.

what do you mean develope mental? Will it ever go back to normal? Will it be counted off if i try to show him?

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