Fabulously Feathered Silkies?

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After my response to Sherri today, I see the same people supporting of her are joining in with their 2 cents. I'm sorry and mean no disrespect to anyone but I'm not going to read their comments or reply. iI'm not going t, I've said what I said I stand on it that's it I'm not going to turn this for him or any other one into this back and forth character assassination it's not what it's for thank you for listening to my post have a greati

Since my post addressing the accusations by Sherry I can see through the alert button that there are many of her saying supporters putting your two cents in. I don't mean any disrespect but I am not going to read them I'm not going to answer them and I'm not going to address anything in them. I've done that on Facebook after post of Sherri and I'm not going to repeat any of it again. I don't wish to turn this thread into another back and forth pile that wastes everyone's time. Addressing her accusations has accomplished nothing. Facts supplied to her doesn't do any good. I've tried to end it this same way. Being civil and providing facts on the other sites. They have gotten ugly and resulted in nothing but. more posting from her somewhere else on the internet. I don't understand why she continues year after year. The only thing that changes is what she accuses me of. She has used the loss of my house fire to ridicule me fallingnme a fraud. Why I don't know I didn't have any insurance . Then turned her complaining over to go fund me stating it was a false report . After investigation by them of course they found it credible. . That didn't matter to her and it still doesn't. she continues with the same reporting it in posts that it was a fraud She prides herself in the "outing" still using it publicly. The embarrassment, pain and hurt doesn't go away. She adds to it by the new stories she posts . I can't see what she wants to gain. She has accused me of so many ridiculous thingsin the past seve4al years but this is the first about illness in my chickens. She's hit some very personal areas of my life dragging me through the mud. Please don't allow her to add to her audience. Thank you for reading my side of the story. I hope somewhere in all this she becomes satisfied and quits. I apologize for having to address this issue in this forum but at some point a person needs to stick up for themselves.
You are stuck on Sherri...
Forget this Sherri person for a minute.

There are four people right here on this thread that say they bought sick chickens from you and you don't even acknowledge them or respond.

WOW. So glad I saw this. I was looking for silkies locally and her ads are among the only in my area. I had contacted her a few times, but I ended up ordering some from MPC instead (since they sex their silkies). I know they will be hatchery quality, but at least they will probably live.

Someone who has experienced her scams should report her to someone, somewhere. Un-freaking-believable. I am so sorry for those of you she took advantage of. She DISGUSTS me....
If there were such people I'm sure they would have. Only Sherri. Your onlunpromoting her efforts. Goodness!
Ooh... This just got real. That doesn't explain all of the negative reviews, though. Did you have your birds tested to counter accusations? I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt, but the odds are not in your favor given what I've read - not just from Sherri; from several people.
Ooh... This just got real. That doesn't explain all of the negative reviews, though. Did you have your birds tested to counter accusations? I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt, but the odds are not in your favor given what I've read - not just from Sherri; from several people.
Your first sentence says it all.
What do you have to say about these people here...that all bought sick birds from you?
You know what check out the dates they joined BYC. As well as any participation here with exception to the first "pit the word out" initial one you just pointed out.pErfect examples of exactly what I have said. They have been solicited by Sherri.. If they posted the same time as Sherri, but hadn't contacted me to help them at the time and still haven't I think its bull. And if the person wants to complain instead of contacting the persobtolperson that can get it addressed ) that they complain about there isn't any good to come out of it.
You are stuck on Sherri...
Forget this Sherri person for a minute.

There are four people right here on this thread that say they bought sick chickens from you and you don't even acknowledge them or respond. I have responded to each of the four. Directly contacting themThat has resulted in understanding
You are stuck on Sherri...
Forget this Sherri person for a minute.

There are four people right here on this thread that say they bought sick chickens from you and you don't even acknowledge them or respond.

No they aren't right here.. A single post made at the same period as Sherri's is. No other posts from them on this sight or any others outside that time period. .But I've contacted each of the four as well as every person I could that got chicks at that time. No other complaints of illness or loss. I can only address a problem if its brought to me at the time it occurs. Posting it somewhere and not bring it to the person that can help with it isn't a person that has a problem they want to have fixed. They want to complain. Period. When the death of the chick with pasty. But occurred I offered a new chuck to her. She responded...nut that's not your responsibility. I responded by telling her its not about who's fault its death was or wasn't. It is the right thing to do. That's all I have for you. I do the best I can. I can't do anything else .
A few screenshots of reviews people have given fabulously feathered silkies:


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Just to clear the record here, Dawne makes it sound like I have a gang of people that go around posting about her, & I assure you, that is not the case. After she tried to scam me, she also went around & tried to scam several other well known breeders & that was when we decided to pass her name around privately to warn other breeders. The whole thing would have dropped there except then she started stalking me & stealing pictures of my birds, using them on Craig's List & claiming they were her birds. Even when I posted proof they were my birds, she still claimed I was lying, but of course that's what she always does. Even after that I let it go until a couple of years ago when I started getting calls from people that had bought sick birds from her. They called me because Dawne was telling them the birds were from my lines & when she wouldn't help them they turned to me. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything I could do at that point but it has snowballed from there. Her victims have posted screen shots, medical reports, etc. as proof positive but she just continues to deny, deny, deny. As for this thread, I didn't even know about it until I was notified by one of the people Dawne scammed that there was another victim posting on this site so I decided to come on here & comment. The rest of the people on here posting problems with Dawne weren't new members & I didn't "recruit" any of them to come on & post. As for Dawne saying that people should contact her with their problems - actually, from all the posts I've read, people do try & contact her but she either doesn't return calls, or she starts bullying them & makes them think that they did something wrong. A couple of people said she went totally psycho on them & they were afraid to report her. For a couple that she couldn't bully, she replaced their chicks & those just died too so they gave up. Her only defense, time after time, is that everyone is lying about her & that SHE is the victim. And since she brought up the scam GoFundMe - yes, it was a complete fraud. She was evicted & all her belongings had been moved the day before the fire so she lost nothing! Yet she came onto several FB chicken sites & told everyone that she had lost everything, including over 300 chickens! Several people sent money but once she was found out, she was booted by admins from most of the FB chicken sites & the fund was closed down. A friend of the landlord was the one investigating the whole thing & he is the one who contacted me when he saw my first post about her scamming me. He gave me a lot of info about some of her past scams & told me she's been doing this for awhile.
Just to clear the record here, Dawne makes it sound like I have a gang of people that go around posting about her, & I assure you, that is not the case. After she tried to scam me, she also went around & tried to scam several other well known breeders & that was when we decided to pass her name around privately to warn other breeders. The whole thing would have dropped there except then she started stalking me & stealing pictures of my birds, using them on Craig's List & claiming they were her birds. Even when I posted proof they were my birds, she still claimed I was lying, but of course that's what she always does. Even after that I let it go until a couple of years ago when I started getting calls from people that had bought sick birds from her. They called me because Dawne was telling them the birds were from my lines & when she wouldn't help them they turned to me. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything I could do at that point but it has snowballed from there. Her victims have posted screen shots, medical reports, etc. as proof positive but she just continues to deny, deny, deny. As for this thread, I didn't even know about it until I was notified by one of the people Dawne scammed that there was another victim posting on this site so I decided to come on here & comment. The rest of the people on here posting problems with Dawne weren't new members & I didn't "recruit" any of them to come on & post. As for Dawne saying that people should contact her with their problems - actually, from all the posts I've read, people do try & contact her but she either doesn't return calls, or she starts bullying them & makes them think that they did something wrong. A couple of people said she went totally psycho on them & they were afraid to report her. For a couple that she couldn't bully, she replaced their chicks & those just died too so they gave up. Her only defense, time after time, is that everyone is lying about her & that SHE is the victim. And since she brought up the scam GoFundMe - yes, it was a complete fraud. She was evicted & all her belongings had been moved the day before the fire so she lost nothing! Yet she came onto several FB chicken sites & told everyone that she had lost everything, including over 300 chickens! Several people sent money but once she was found out, she was booted by admins from most of the FB chicken sites & the fund was closed down. A friend of the landlord was the one investigating the whole thing & he is the one who contacted me when he saw my first post about her scamming me. He gave me a lot of info about some of her past scams & told me she's been doing this for awhile.
Oh, I believe you. I was just "entertaining" the possibility of fake accounts to see what evidence she had. I don't know you or any of the other posters, and I think she assumes we are in cahoots, somehow. I don't have a Facebook account or anything, either. I don't belong to any other social-type sites other than BYC. I'm always open-minded about these things, and look for evidence. I'm going to do more research...
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