Fall Hatch! Anybody with me??

Candled tonight for the last time before lockdown Tuesday PM. I have 7 Olive eggers (My project lav. ameraucana roo x Wellsummer hens) and 12 white leghorn cross (all leghorn moms, dads could be Delaware, White Leghorn or BCM) as replacement layers for my aging production reds. Trying to convince myself this will be it until Spring

I have 19 Dels in the brooder right now, just turned 4 weeks old and if some grow out to be improvements over their parents, I will do a breeding back when they are old enough. No more hatching till then...............
I hear ya!! I'm almost glad I have to work. When I hatched my 4 sets in the spring I was out on a DRI (duty related injury) and was constantly standing in front of the bator!
Ha Ha you say that now!!
I have another 16 in my homemade bator right now!! They should hatch around Nov 18th.
for a suscessful hatch!!
That's one thing about being on nights you have time to just sit and think about stuff!! I'm sitting here thinking I really need to get my brooders set up!! I'm using 2 cattle/horse throughs this time and brooding them in my shop!! Since my ceilings are plywood I'm thinking about using a hook to hang my heat lamps from! This is what I'm using so I hope they can stay in there quite awhile!!

Just checking back in since I have been here in awhile...

My broody is still setting on her 4 eggs. I am worried about the large white egg, a few days ago I went to check on the chickens and found the large white egg stone cold on the far reaches of the nest.
I stuck it back under her and am hoping all will be well. This one is 3 days behind the other 3 that are set to hatch around Halloween. I did candle it and it did have veins there is a large dark mass that takes up about 1/2 the egg...
the chick is alive in there.

I also borrowed what I think is LG still air 'bator that currently has 8 blue over partridge maran eggs as well as 2 WS eggs. The temps on the 'bator are driving insane!! It doesn't help that my cats like the warmth and lay on the wretched thing.
They managed to knock it off the shelf and broke two of the eggs -- thus killing the developing chicks.
If those rotten cats had any sense....

The 'bator bunch are due the 13th of Nov. Please send
I hope the egg under the broody does okay. BUT, don't be suprised if she get off the nest before it hatches. I've found that if the majority of eggs hatch in the first day or two she will abandon the other eggs to take care of her babies!! But maybe she will wait it out!! I sure hope so!!

I went and bought me a LG off CL the yesterday. Have been trying to get the temp correct. I haven't noticed much of a fluctuation just having a hard time actually getting it to 101.5. I got it to 101.8 and it stayed like that all day today!
It's hard when your gone for 12 hours to keep checking on stuff like that!! Sorry your cat is causing mischief!!

Sending good hatching vibes your way!!
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I got all 3 brooders readied today!! Now, I'm just waiting on some babies!! I thought maybe I had one starting to pip but I was running late for work so I didn't get a chance to really find out!!
I'm fired. I accidentally broke an egg. It was my last Leghorn egg. My octo20 has these metal divider bars and I was trying to adjust them while I was adding my new eggs and it got smashed between, too tight... I'm still really upset. I like my hovabator so much more. Err... People say the Brinesea is easy. Not for me.
Probably all the other eggs are gonna get smashed too. It one thing to kill something with purpose, another by accident. It was just a two week mini baby.
I guess I'm learning. This has been my first try at incubation. Steep learning curve. It's just sad when babies die without even a chance.
Don't be to hard on yourself.
I dropped a flashlight on 2 eggs in the spring. Put candle wax on them and they hatched just fine!! I never try to adjust the dividers in my Brinsea with the eggs in there. And you right it is sad!!

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