Fancy Pigeons Thread!!

How much do pigeons normally go for? Of course after I got them I had to google different breeds

Can anyone on here post new pics of the breeds they have & why they are the ones you chose?? Any advice for a newbie ??

There were probally 15 other pigeons there, & some where really cool looking & went for $2 & there were some bigger ones that went for $8 & one went for $11. They come thru often as we have 2 poultry auctions that happen EVERY Saturday
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PIgeons can be any price. Under $10 is probably the "I desperately need to get rid of these" price. $10-35 is the decent quality price. $35 and over is the "I am serious about my pigeons" price. But its all relative of course. Price does not always corrispond with quality. I recommend going to a breeders loft. Once you allow someone to know your address and enter your home you are less likely to cheat and or take advantage of someone. Purchase pigeons that the guy breeds himself not breeds in his spare bird section. If he breeds them it more than likely means he has put money and effort into them. If he doesnt raise them it means they could be bad parents, have fertility problems, extra territorial, etc.. Sale sections at pigeons shows are fun but risky. I have experianced it all. A guy selling one mated pair means they are probably old, infertile, two males or two females. Guys selling lots of young birds of the same breed is probably the best situation.
I agree with TheifPouter. You do not want to start of with free or realy cheap birds. Also,it is fun going to auctions but this is were most people go to sell there "bad" birds. Most pigeons at auctions are birds that hunters want to train there dogs with. There is also sick birds at the auctions. I would recomend finding a breed that you like,reaserch that breed and then find a good breeder and get birds from that breeder. I recomend the spanish pouters. There are alot of different breeds of spanish pouters. I raise picas(spanish pouter) and horseman theif pouters. If you have any more questions,just let us know. I am sure that one of us BYC'ers can help you ansure it

I have had many breeds. It has taken me a long time to find the ones I like. I tried flying breeds but the hawks were too bad. It depends on what you like, what you want to do(show, fun, eat, fly) and what kind of set up you have. Of course with shipping you can get what ever you are willing to pay the high cost of shipping for. Rollers and homers are easy to come by. Fantails (american and indian) can be found too. What state do you live in? maybe I can recommend a breeder.

I'm looking to get some fertile pigeon eggs, I'm a local teacher and teaching incubation

and egg development..the birds will have a great home...will to pay and for shipping....

Thanks for your or homing, colorful ones If can.... Thanks again Mr.Miller , Agricultural Class
Thanks for all of your advice! I have been going to auction for awhile now, & I have never brought home any birds, ONLY hatching eggs until this last one. These "according" to a friend of mine that was their that these are young birds, and appeared to be really healthy (and actually quite friendly !
) I was expecting them to be flighty, but my daughter can be with them and they just hang out with her.

I have eaten dove
and I cannot say enuf yumminess about them. I have not eaten pigeon, does anyone on here raise them for that? I am not opposed to raising them for show purpose for my kids & then cull the not "quality" ones?

I raise rabbit, quail, guinea, duck & goose right now for meat, eggs, and fun. I believe just because you are raising something for meat doesn't mean they can't have a great quality of life before hand. So we have built some nice pens & we made them all multi purpose, and just finished our 2 in ground ponds for our geese & ducks.

So if I decide to keep these, they will be spoiled and have a great setup. Here is a pic of my flight pen, that we haven't put anything in yet....

So we are building 4 of these next to each other.... So would these be adequate? Or would you suggest different housing?
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I x2 what hookedonpigeons and thiefpouter06 said. It does depend a lot on what you want them for, just eating and showing? There are several "sports" you can play with them too. Either way, I certainly like the spanish and thief pouters like hookedonpigeons mentioned, very entertaining. And you get the best of all worlds, you can show them, fly and play the "pigeon sports" with them and eat any extras. Although, unless they are a type that's hard to maintain and breed, most any pigeons will be great for starters.
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